Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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SOPC builder on windows 7

Honored Contributor II

I am unable to open the SOPC builder on windows 7 

I'm running quartus II 7.2 service pack 2  

it is running as administrator and under compatibility mode of windows xp 


Everything else is working perfectly except when i click on the SOPC Builder option  

is opens up and begins to initialize.  


At the end of it i get the usual screen of  

name of system 

language( ie VHDL or verilog) 

and i click ok  


it just disappears and it doesnt open. 

I am running the latest java 1.6 update 


Wanted to know if I can do anything to get it to work
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

SOPC Builder if I remember correctly supports Windows 7 in version 10.0 and up (maybe 9.1..... I forget) I think Quartus II 7.2 might even predate Windows 7 so short of upgrading to a later ACDS version or running the tools under an OS that was supported in the 7.2 days using virtualization I don't think you'll get very far.

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Honored Contributor II

I tried to get NIOS 9.2 running on Win7 and failed. The easiest way is to set up a virtual machine on the Win7. System. 


If you have Win7 Professional you can get Microsoft Virtual PC and then you can "run" NIOS Tools on your desktop even if they run in reality inside a virtual box.
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