Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Store string using small C library

Honored Contributor II


I want to enter a string in NiosII console & once pressed enter for it to store in a char array. How do I do it using the functions enabled in the small c library.? Can I have an example? 


Need help, 

Thanx in advance. 


>>The final output of my program is to transmit those char values through the rs232 UART.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Take a look at any software example that accepts characters over the terminal like memtest, board_diag, simple_socket_server, etc... 


Are you trying to communicate to the board and use the board to repeat those characters over RS-232 or do you plan on communicating with the board through RS-232 directly? If it's the latter, you can direct standard in/out/error to the UART in your SOPC Builder system in the BSP settings and then use use any terminal program you like on the host side.
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