Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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__alt_stack_pointer misbehaving (linker bug?)

Honored Contributor II

I am using Nios II 6.1 and 6.1 IDE. I use the following command (as recommended in another thread) to set the __alt_stack_pointer: 

-wl,-defsym -wl,'__alt_stack_pointer=0x300000'  

I specify this command as a linker flag inside the IDE. 


The linker script has a comment for that symbol saying: 

" * the next two symbols define the location of the default stack. you can 

* override them to move the stack to a different memory."  

where the other symbol is __alt_stack_limit, which effectively points to the beginning of the heap (as far as I can tell from the linker script), 

and should always contain a lower value than the __alt_stack_pointer, because the stack grows from higher to lower addresses. 


System description: 


I have three processors in the system, all running code from an 8MB SDRAM: 

Processor 1: 

Reset Address = 0x00000000 

Exception Address = 0x00000020 


Processor 2: 

Reset Address = 0x00100000 

Exception Address = 0x00100020 


Processor 3: 

Reset Address = 0x00200000 

Exception Address = 0x00200020 


As can be seen, the first 2 processors have 1MB of memory each for their code and data. 

I would like to limit the memory occupied by the third processor to 1MB, so that I can use the remaining memory to store some data. 

Considering that, I thought it would make sense to put the initial stack pointer to 0x300000. However, when I do that, the linker reports: 


"info: 5120 kbytes free for stack + heap." 


This didn't make any sense, so I tried to work out the relationship between the __alt_stack_pointer value I set, and the amount of stack space the linker reports.  

Here's what I got: 


__alt_stack_pointer, free for stack + heap. 

0x300000, 5120KBytes 

0x400000, 4096KBytes 

0x500000, 3072KBytes 

0x600000, 2048KBytes 

0x700000, 1024KBytes 

0x800000, 6090KBytes 


This doesn't make any sense to me. The stack space is reduced as I set the initial stack pointer higher and higher? 


Is this a bug (linker calculating the stack space incorrectly), or am I missing something? 


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