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how to compile nios2 gcc?

Honored Contributor II

I would like to modify the nios2 gcc. Could some one tell me how to compile nios2 gcc or where to find the documents about how to compile and install the nios2 gcc?  


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II



We really do not recommend that you try to re-build the compiler unless you've done it before. 


There are no documents on how to build the nios2 gcc compiler. 


However there are generic documents which exist on building gcc, these can be found at ( once again we would really warn you off going down this route. If however you do then please don't post any questions here, you will have to ask for help on the gcc mailing lists.
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by rugbybloke@Dec 23 2004, 10:18 AM 



we really do not recommend that you try to re-build the compiler unless you've done it before. 


there are no documents on how to build the nios2 gcc compiler. 


however there are generic documents which exist on building gcc, these can be found at ( once again we would really warn you off going down this route. if however you do then please don't post any questions here, you will have to ask for help on the gcc mailing lists. 

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rugbybloke, thanks! 


But I really may have to modify the compiler later on. The thing is how to use the option when using configure to generate the make file. The other aspects as for nios2 should be smiliar to compile the gcc for other processors. yes? 


I donnot know how to use option for nios2. 


Could you help me?
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