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how to modify the ethernet driver

Honored Contributor II

dear all, 

I do according to hippo, now i can run uclinux on my custom board ,because my board is not the altera board ,so i should modify the lan91c111 driver ,could you give me how to modify the ethernet driver? 



best regards
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by nwpu_zhf2004@Jul 2 2006, 11:04 PM 

dear all, 

        i do according to hippo, now i can run uclinux on my custom board ,because my board is not the altera board ,so i should modify the lan91c111 driver ,could you give me how to modify the ethernet driver? 



best regards 

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If you follow altera dev board to design your scm91111, it should run without modification. 

check include/nios2_system.h 

does the uclinux detect smc91111 during bootup?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have ever run a web server on my costum board(LAN91C111 is work in 16 bit with nios2,this is not same altera dev board)with uCOS2.I think the hardware of 91c111 is good. 

Now I compile the 91c111 driver into the uClinux,but the 91c111 does not run because the led of the J45 is not light. 

Should I modfide the 91c111 driver?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by nwpu_zhf2004@Jul 3 2006, 12:48 PM 

i have ever run a web server on my costum board(lan91c111 is work in 16 bit with nios2,this is not same altera dev board)with ucos2.i think the hardware of 91c111 is good. 

      now i compile the 91c111 driver into the uclinux,but the 91c111 does not run because the led of the j45 is not light. 

      should i modfide the 91c111 driver? 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=16619) 

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in drivers/net/smc91111.c 

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