Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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problem creating application and bsp in NiosII EDS

Honored Contributor II


I've just installed Quartus 9.1 and NiosII EDS 9.1, and I'm having some problems in creating a software project. I'm running on Windows XP Professional, SP3. 


I've create a NiosII system using SOPC Builder and Quartus II. Everything works perfectly, and I can program the DE2 board. Then I start the NiosII EDS, I choose File -> New -> Nios II Application and BSP from Template, select the .sopcinfo file, give a project name (foo), use default location, and select Hello World as a template. In the BSP section I leave everything default (create a new BSP with project name foo_bsp). Then I click Finish, many lines appear in the Console, and the last one is: 

INFO: BSP files generated in "C:\.....\foo_bsp

but a pop-up window appears with "Error: Unable to create project. Reason: Unable to create project in workspace directory". I can only click OK, and nothing appears in the Project Explorer. The foo_bsp directory is full of files, while the foo directory only contains the create-this-app script. I don't have spaces in directory names. I'm running as a user with administrator privileges. I changed permissions to rwxrwxrwx from the shell to all the directories and files involved. 


I've tried the legacy Nios II IDE 9.1, and I was able to run the application. I also tried creating everything using the console shell, and it worked as well. If I try to import the projects created using the shell into the EDS, it fails saying that it cannot create the project. 


Anybody can help??? Thanks a lot in advance.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You cannot create a project anywhere in or under the same directory where your eclipse workspace is located. This is an eclipse-ism introduced in the latest version of the tools. So create your projects under a separate directory from your eclipse workspace. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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You cannot create a project anywhere in or under the same directory where your eclipse workspace is located. This is an eclipse-ism introduced in the latest version of the tools. So create your projects under a separate directory from your eclipse workspace. 



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It worked!! Thanks a lot, Jake, you really saved me. I was probably going to loose another day trying to figure out what was wrong. Ciao.
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