Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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12621 Discussions

restoring .ptf files & reference designs

Honored Contributor II

I have a few hopefully simple questions: 


1 - I have a Nios reference design (not reference_32) for which I have the Nios decal in the .BDF file, but somehow I don't have a .PTF file (i.e., the file that SOPC looks for on start-up, for the processor configuration spec.'s). Because SOPC can't find the .PTF file, it asks for another system name, then starts you over with a blank resources/configuration table, even though the schematic symbol is fully loaded. 


Is there an easy/automatic way to (re-)generate the .PTF file which matches the decal ? 



2 - Does Altera have a location where reference designs (with .PTF files ?) are available ? 




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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hi Jim, 


Unfortunately no, the .ptf file is the single file SOPC Builder reads/writes to determine a system. The schematic symbol is created from a script that examines the signals on the top level of the HDL generated. 


You might take a closer look for files called ".ptf.bak" or ".ptf.401" or similar.... that is assuming you started a design way back when with a previous version of SOPC Builder and opened it with a new SOPC Builder version along the way; depending on the versions involved a backup copy of the old PTF is saved. 


As far as example designs -- we have a suite of HW example designs that go out with each version. You can download the Nios II evaluator (if you don't already have it) and it will have the example designs (PTFs included) for all current Nios II designs. If you have a specific request for an example design from something like Nios 3.2, feel free to contact me...
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