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running program in SRAM doesn't work

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I am running my C program in NiosII and I need to print out the result on the console. There are a 512KB SRAM and an 8MB SDRAM on the board. 


The program works fine with the SDRAM.  

However when I changed all the program sections' specification to SRAM in the BSP Editor (in the Nios II SBT), the program can be downloaded to the board but it shows nothing on the NiosII Console. 


My program is 106KB so should be possible to run in SRAM. 


Anybody who can tell me possible reasons why it happens?
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24 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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I feel like a *****, but i tried to make my own tri-state version as suggested by BadOmen; but this failed. I require more help and would be greatly appreciative. 

It failed the same as before with the .elf failing verification upon download. Likely because i have no idea how to set up the Tri-state controller, i did alot of googling and read some doco and made an attempt anyway. 


I have attached a zip file with screenshots of my attempt. In summary but my problems were: 

  1. signals?:Couldn't match my SRAM's signals to those avaliable in the Tristate controller. My SRAM has no read enable, it also has two other signals, upper and lower?  

    I took a guess that these two mystery signals could be bridged to WE since they appear optional and a timing diagram where they were used they matched WE. 

  2. parameters had me stumped. I used the preset on the right for the IDT SRAM as a starter. 

    Two worse ones was that driver one since it made no sense what the preset put there. Plus i put the bytes value there, but am i meant to take some off? As in 2MB seems too round? 

  3. timings: I couldn't match the timings. In many cases i made an educated guess or put a worse case value. 

what i tried summary 

  1. Made simple Qsys design of nios. Onchip ram contains Nios vectors. 

  2. Made tri-state control and connected to a tri-state bridge. note i doubt the control is correct. 

  3. Made top level and bridge the 3 signal WE,UB, LB. 

  4. Made simple "Hello World Nios" and pointed its memory to the SRAM controller. 


  1. Data sheet. Note that its the 8ns model. 

  2. QSys image. 

  3. Tri-state control set up images. 


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Dear AsValdr, 

Do you noticed that in your Qsys GUI, the address arrange of sram is 0~0xfffff, it's just 1M byte. But in fact the memory size of IS61WV102416 is 1M x 16 bit, it's 2M byte. In Generic Tri-State Controller, the Address width is the byte width, not the actual address width of SRAM, and 2^20 = 1M. 

Thus, if I fill 21 here, the address arrange will expand to 2M, but one more address line come out, MSB or MLB? how to instantiate it in verilog?
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Honored Contributor II

Maybe the ram delays a little to response. 

Try to create a PLL clock with 2 clock outputs 

One with a delay and connect it to de NIOS clock 

The other clock without delay connect to de ram clock. 


I had the same problem and solved by PLL whit delay clock (In case 3ns).
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Honored Contributor II


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Maybe the ram delays a little to response. 

Try to create a PLL clock with 2 clock outputs 

One with a delay and connect it to de NIOS clock 

The other clock without delay connect to de ram clock. 


I had the same problem and solved by PLL whit delay clock (In case 3ns). 

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Hi man,  


Can you elaborate please, I'm having awful trouble. nios getting ext clock 50Mhz. SDRAM clock getting -3ns from a pll. Will not work. 

This is simplified to a sentence, but that's basically it! 

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi man,  


Can you elaborate please, I'm having awful trouble. nios getting ext clock 50Mhz. SDRAM clock getting -3ns from a pll. Will not work. 

This is simplified to a sentence, but that's basically it! 


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I think you're inverting the clocks... 

You must have to delay the nios clock by 3ns, and the SDRAM with no delay. 



Your system will be like this: 

PLL (external PLL, don't use SOPC or Qsys PLL I don'n know why but did not worked for me): 

Create a PLL with 2 clock outputs, one for nios one for SDRAM, connect the 0ns delayed direct to the SDRAM input clock (physical pin) and connect the 3ns delayed clock to nios input clock wire, the nios output clock for SDRAM will be disconnected.:)
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