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using system-console

Honored Contributor II

hi @all! 

now i am able to start system-console and begin to understand what i can do with it. is there a possibility to start tcl-scripts within the console? 


i can´t see the output of a correct tcl script without an error.  

with a incorrect tcl script i can see the problems but also not the working parts off the script. 


i also have problems to start system-console from matlab. i am not able to start it and load a tcl-script automatically. 


i also want to work with informations i got from systemconsole within matlab, but how do i get this info from system-console. 

now, i force an output and i save the output to a file and after i have to  

analyse the output for the information i need. -worst way i think  

there should be a better way to realize it. 


but how? 


anyone able to help me??? 


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