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I am running some opencl programs inside a docker container. To test the environment I am running clinfo as an entry point for the container. But it is not detecting NEO platforms.
Googling shows that other opencl targets require the docker container to be called with a device argument pointing to /dev/dri:
docker run --device=/dev/dri <image> clinfo
but I am not sure that this is what is require for intel devices.
I can get access to the CPU opencl device after installing the CPU opencl driver.
My Dockerfile is below which is called from a directory with the following structure:
neo /<neo .deb files and firmware .bin files>
<opencl cpu drivers for intel>
FROM ubuntu:16.04 # ROS RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ python-rosinstall \ liblua5.2 \ libeigen3-dev \ libsuitesparse-dev \ liblog4cxx10v5 \ python-yaml \ libcairo2 \ gfortran \ libhdf5-serial-dev \ libpcl-dev \ libpcap0.8 \ libatlas-base-dev \ libarpack2 \ libblas3 \ libboost-filesystem1.58.0 \ libboost-iostreams1.58.0 \ libboost-program-options1.58.0 \ libboost-python1.58.0 \ libboost-system1.58.0 \ libboost-thread1.58.0 \ libboost-timer1.58.0 \ libc6 \ libcairo2 \ libcholmod3.0.6 \ libconsole-bridge0.2v5 \ libgcc1 \ libgflags2v5 \ libgfortran3 \ libgomp1 \ libgoogle-glog0v5 \ libhdf5-10 \ libhdf5-cpp-11 \ liblapack3 \ liblog4cxx10v5 \ liblua5.2-0 \ libmetis5 \ libnlopt0 \ libogre-1.9.0v5 \ libopenblas-base \ libpcap0.8 \ libpcl-common1.7 \ libprotobuf9v5 \ libpython2.7 \ libspqr2.0.2 \ libstdc++6 \ libsz2 \ liburdfdom-world0.4 \ libwebp5 \ libyaml-cpp0.5v5 \ libyaml-0-2 \ zlib1g \ cython \ exfat-fuse \ python-psutil \ python-requests \ libgeotiff2 \ iputils-ping \ alien # Other tooling RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ logrotate \ git \ vim \ clinfo \ dkms \ ocl-icd-opencl-dev # OpenCL for CPU and GPU ARG INTEL_DRIVER=opencl_runtime_16.1.2_x64_rh_6.4.0.37.tgz ARG INTEL_DRIVER_URL=http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/9019 RUN mkdir -p /tmp/opencl-driver-intel WORKDIR /tmp/opencl-driver-intel COPY opencl_runtime_16.1.2_x64_rh_6.4.0.37.tgz . COPY neo $WORKDIR RUN mkdir -p /lib/firmware/intel && dpkg -i *.deb && cp *.bin /lib/firmware/intel && rm *.deb && rm *.bin # SRB 5 uses a zip file; older drivers use .tgz RUN echo INTEL_DRIVER is $INTEL_DRIVER; \ if echo $INTEL_DRIVER | grep -q "[.]zip$"; then \ unzip $INTEL_DRIVER; \ mkdir fakeroot; \ for f in intel-opencl-*.tar.xz; do tar -C fakeroot -Jxvf $f; done; \ cp -R fakeroot/* /; \ ldconfig; \ else \ tar -xzf $INTEL_DRIVER; \ for i in $(basename $INTEL_DRIVER .tgz)/rpm/*.rpm; do alien --to-deb $i; done; \ dpkg -i *.deb; \ rm -rf $INTEL_DRIVER $(basename $INTEL_DRIVER .tgz) *.deb; \ mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors; \ echo /opt/intel/*/lib64/libintelocl.so > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd; \ fi; \ rm -rf /tmp/opencl-driver-intel;
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