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Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications 2016 R2 for Windows with OpenCL 2.1 and SPIR-V support released



I am glad to announce the availability of Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications 2016 R2 for Windows*. Please visit to download the version for your platform. For details check out Release Notes.


New Features


 OpenCL 2.1 and SPIR-V support

OpenCL 2.1 development environment with the experimental CPU-only runtime for OpenCL 2.1

SPIR-V generation support with Code Builder Offline Compiler and Kernel Development Framework including textual representing of SPIR-V binaries

 New features in Kernel Development Framework

Host C++ code generator – generates full OpenCL application host C++ code for a given session.

Lightweight "Run" option to execute the kernel and get immediate results. You can later run a full analysis on the kernel execution session.

Output validation – assign reference to an output buffer or image object and get immediate results if the reference does or does not match the output variable.

Command line interface – enables you to perform most of the tasks that are available through the IDE, including: capture a kernel execution from an OpenCL application, execute a kernel and view its results, view the kernel’s performance analysis results, and more.

Advanced buffers and images viewer with pixel overlay presentation, show image as buffer options, compare mode and more

 Beta2 release of Source and Assembly level GPU Kernel Debugging on Windows* operating system including bug fixes and improvements.

 Latency analysis on 6th Generation Intel Core™Processors with Intel Iris™, Intel Iris Pro and HD Graphics.

 Intel® SDK for OpenCL™Applications 2016 R2 includes all the features for OpenCL development for Windows* and Android* previously available in Intel® INDE OpenCL™Code Builder 2015 R2 and all features for Linux* development which available in Code Builder for Intel® Media Server Studio.

 For a full list of features, refer to the Intel® SDK for OpenCL™Applications Developer Guide.

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3 Replies


good news to see first OpenCL 2.1 implementation..

some questions:

1) Altough OpenCL 2.1 is CPU only right now.. GPU OCL 2.1 support will come for current platforms eventually, right? I mean at least for my Skylake Gen9 iGPU or will only be supported on future Intel products like Kabylake?

2) Linux 2016 R2 versión still isn't avaiable.. but when avaiable will come with this two expected features?

*Skylake GPU support?

*OpenCL 2.0 GPU support for Linux? or will Linux OpenCL GPU support go from current OpenCL 1.2 support to 2.1 directly?

3)Not putting pressure but OpenCL 2.2 C++ kernel support is super interesting and kerenel compilation can be tried right now compiling these projects:

it depends on SPIR-V 1.1 but seeing you now support SPIR-V 1.0 for OCL 2.1 hope you can support also *EXPERIMENTALLY* SPIR-V 1.1 first even without other OCL 2.2 features so we can try finally play with C++ kind of kernels in OCL world!





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Hi Oscar,

1. OpenCL 2.1 support for the GPU is planned for the KabyLake processors only. It is disappointing, but that's the current plan.

2. We are preparing both SDK and the driver that will support OpenCL 2.0 on the GPU and will support Skylake. It is almost ready, should release early next quarter.

3. For now, we plan to support OpenCL 2.2 and OpenCL C++ kernel language in Cannon Lake time frame. If experimental SPIR-V 1.1 support will arrive, it will be on the CPU only. I will try to find out what's the release plans there.

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Thanks for the response..

1)Driver with OCL 2.0 and Skylake for Linux is released!!

seems super robust/stable/fast and only thing I can find I'm not happy is that it doesn't support fine grain SVM support vs Windows driver on Skylake GPU..

must say I don't recompiled kernel 4.4 with patch supplied in the driver.. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04+kernel 4.6 and padoka ppa weekly driver builds of drm and i965 drivers so perhaps fine grain support depends on using the patch for 4.4?

if not any plans to support SVM fine grain support similar to Windows OCL 2.0 driver?


2)Anyway OpenCL 2.2 will be supported on Skylake CPUs right?

for iGPU I will wait for a laptop with Cannonlake then :-)



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