OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
This forum covers OpenCL* for CPU only. OpenCL* for GPU questions can be asked in the GPU Compute Software forum. Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ questions can be ask in the FPGA Intel® High Level Design forum.
1722 Discussions

SVM Fine-Grained Buffer Atomics Regression with NEO Drivers for Intel GPU on Win10

I wrote a simple test to prove that SVM fine-grained buffer atomics work on my system. The Intel OpenCL driver says that my GPU (HD Graphics 630) supports fine-grained buffers with atomics. If I use any NEO driver version, including version currently listed on Intel’s website, the test fails. With NEO drivers, memory is not synchronizing between the CPU and GPU when I make an atomic access. If a GPU kernel makes an atomic modification to shared virtual memory, the CPU cannot see the change until the entire GPU kernel (not just the atomic access) has completed. If I downgrade to a pre-NEO driver (confirmed with and, I see that memory is synchronizing with each atomic access as expected. When the GPU makes an atomic modification to SVM, the CPU sees the change immediately while the GPU kernel is still running. I have been trying to implement an approach like Intel’s presentation “GPU Daemon: Road to Zero Cost Submission,” but that is impossible without working shared atomics. When will SVM atomics be supported by the NEO driver?
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As far as I know Windows driver should support well fine-grained SVM with atomic.

Synchronization should happen with each atomic access.

Can you file an issue in Neo driver GitHub?

Neo development team monitors GitHub more frequently than this forum. 

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