OpenCL* for CPU
Ask questions and share information on Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications and OpenCL™ implementations for Intel® CPU.
This forum covers OpenCL* for CPU only. OpenCL* for GPU questions can be asked in the GPU Compute Software forum. Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ questions can be ask in the FPGA Intel® High Level Design forum.
1722 Discussions

Will OpenCL CPU Runtime benefit application running with OpenCL GPU Runtime?


As we know, OpenCL GPU Runtime is inclueded in Intel Graphics Driver.

By comparing with/without OpenCL CPU Runtime installed, with "Intel GPU" selected as OpenCL device, PcMark 10 gets different score in "Spreadsheets Score".


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Will OpenCL CPU Runtime benefit application running with OpenCL GPU Runtime?

With OpenCL CPU Runtime installad, will OpenCL appcalition run between CPU and GPU?



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