Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14751 Discussions

7900X Problems with Hyperthreading


Hello, how much more time it will take until the hyperthreading problems will be fixed on Skylake X ?

Its a big and very frustrating problem... spend that much money and Im slower then my old 2600K.

All Audio Software is affected.

Steinberg Cubase,Logic Pro, Studio One etc etc...

The setup just stay on low frequency (1,2 GHz and everything runs on one core most of the time), and don't go higher.

Also there are a lot of problems with latency, which I never had with my X99 Build.

The important settings are both identical (x99 vs x299)

I am unable to use my DAW for the job (Music Production)...

Please fix this problems... As I hear you already know about this problem for months whats again so dissapointing...

SKZ7 Bug etc...

0 Kudos
8 Replies

But cpu just doesn't go higher with Audio Produktion sofware... everythibg else seems work.

0 Kudos

Hi Anonym32339: Thank you very much for contacting the Intel® Processor communities. We are sorry to hear the processor is not working properly.



In regard to your inquiry please make sure that the computer is running at stock configuration under with the default BIOS settings.



In order to try to find a possible solution for this problem, we just wanted to confirm a few details about your system, please provide the SSU report:

What is the name of the Audio Production Software?


To attach a file, you must click "Use Advanced Editor" in the top right corner of the response box, then the "attach" option will appear in the bottom right corner of the response box.



Any further questions, please let me know.





Alberto R


0 Kudos
Super User

Adding my two cents here... There is nothing wrong with Hyperthreading in this processor. In the few cases like this that I have seen taken to conclusion, the fault was in the BIOS configuration. The (typical) reason was the voltage of the power being supplied to the processor was not allowed to reach the levels necessary - and this was often how it was set in the BIOS defaults, so (just) resetting to defaults won't necessarily fix it. I suggest that you look closely at your BIOS' configuration for the processor. If you cannot figure out what to change, you should contact the board/system vendor's tech support and ask them to help you (this is their job, after all).

Just saying,


0 Kudos

Oh boy....

If the settings would be the case no software at all would ramp up...

but everything else does it, no Mather if it's video editing software or something else.

100% CPU Load with every other software I use And full clocks!

As soon as a Daw starts you can trow the whole pc in a trash since it just not clock higher then 1200 MHz.

So please go ahead and tell your Cents someone who doesn't know anything about computers and specially about voltages since I am an overclocker.

0 Kudos
Super User

Ok, you have me confused. Are you saying that HT (and Turbo) work just fine for everything but a certain class of applications (namely audio production software)?

If this is the case, I would generically say that you are probably having an issue with one of the audio support libraries/packages. Since I know little about the architecture of the audio support stack, I can't help much with that issue (if indeed that is the issue), but at least this will confine what needs to be looked at and who needs to be involved.

If this is not the case, please explain better what you are seeing (or not seeing)...


0 Kudos

It Doesnt matter which one I use. Steinberg Cubase 9.5 or Studio one... Ableton... every Daw has this problem. Nothing helps, no cleaninstall or anything else... Tried nearly everything in the bios without any help. To me it looks like skz7 bug on skylake x !!!

I've attached the ssu file.

I hope you guys can help me...

0 Kudos

Hello Anonym32339,



Thank you for contacting Intel Support,



I understand that you are having a problem in regards the frequency which is staying at 1.2 GHz, I apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing.



Regarding this problem, I would like you to run some tests with our software, Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility, you can download it here:



After downloading and installing, I would like you to please run a "Stress Test" for 5 minutes at least and let us know the results, specially the frequency.






David V
0 Kudos

Hello Anonym32339,



I am following-up with your case and I see that we have not heard back from you,



Is there anything else I can help you with?



Were you able to solve your issue?




Do not hesitate to reply to this for further help!






David V
0 Kudos