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14720 Discussions

Atom C2000 AVR54 issue compensation for customers out of warranty



My motherboard with Atom C2550 processor died this January after three years since purchase and one month after warranty expiration. Considering the chip is affected with a build-in defect of clock signal malfunction (as mentioned in AVR54 note in Specification update that was likely the cause of the death of the board how will Intel compensate customers affected who can not RMA their boards by manufacturers?

It is a very bad publicity Intel wasn't able to take care of quality control on its server component and I hope Intel will at least take care of those affected by paying all the costs associated with this issue.

Best regards.

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22 Replies
Super User

You, an AMD user, came here just to jump on a 2 year old thread? Now, that is what I call silly.




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Super User

Something we see all the time is folks coming here with preconceived notions regarding what is wrong. They get some pinhead somewhere on the internet telling them it is the processor and that's it; off to the Intel site they go looking for a replacement. When I see these cases, I straighten them out. No attack and certainly no dismissal; they simply need to understand that there are a lot of other possibilities and automatically blaming the processor is wrong.


In this particular case, the guy was asking for a replacement long after his warranty had expired. The processor operated properly for the entire warranty period. Once the warranty period is over, there isn't any entitlement for getting a replacement. Automatically blaming it on this errata (which, BTW, board designers were notified of and told how to design around) - without any proof that this is why his system failed (other than baloney he read on the internet) - and asking for a replacement after the warranty expired was simply ludicrous.


As for warranty periods, Intel happens to offer some of the longest and best in the industry. Blaming Intel for the industry having warranty periods that you consider too short is ludicrous as well. I don't like them being this short either, but this is a problem that needs to be solved at the industry level, not with attacks aimed at a particular company. I take considerable exception to that.



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