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14742 Discussions

Does Intel Baseline BIOS fix problems with 14900ks

I noticed that ASUS had released a new BIOS with Intel Baseline settings for my Pro W680-ACE IPMI motherboard (v 3501 released 24th April 2024).

After applying the new Intel Baseline settings I ran my first test, a bootstrap compile of GCC with the thread affinity set to both hyper-threads in the first preferred p-core, which are vCPU 8 and 9 for my specific 14900ks, like so (using Gentoo Linux):

MAKEOPTS="-j3" taskset -c 8-9 emerge -1 gcc

And within 7 seconds the compile core-dumps...

So as far as I can tell, the Intel Baseline settings do nothing to fix the issue with 13th and 14th gen CPUs, very disappointing.

Back to stable settings, which for me are only achieved by limiting max boost to x58.
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