Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14714 토론

doubt processor useful life

597 조회수

 What temperature can the Intel Core i5-3470 processor support without reducing its useful life and that of the motherboard where it is installed? Does this processor have a system to shut it down when it reaches a certain temperature without compromising its and the motherboard's useful life?

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7 응답
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572 조회수

Your processor's Tcontrol temperature will be somewhere in the vicinity of 85°C. Having short-term spikes above this temperature are also perfectly fine. Sustained higher temperatures will eventually cause damage both in the processor and surrounding circuitry.

Intel's guidance for this older processor generation was that, should the processor's temperature be at or above its Tcontrol temperature, the processor cooling solution should have all fans (pumps, etc.) at their full speed (100% duty cycle). If temperatures continue to rise, the chassis fan(s) should be increasing their speed in order to assist the processor cooling solution.

When temperatures reach the processor's Maximum Junction Temperature (Tjmax, in the vicinity of 100°C), the processor will automatically throttle its performance, by reducing clocks, to protect the processor.

If the temperature continues to rise and reaches the processor's Therm-Trip temperature (Intel doesn't publish how far above Tjmax this is), the processor will shut down the system.

It is important to mention that this description is specific to these older processors and only approximates the workings of later generation processors.

Hope this helps.


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569 조회수

I have this processor and it was hot 84C or 86C going to 90C and it was necessary to replace the cooler for the temperature to return to 41C, was this period that this processor model operated at this high temperature enough to reduce the useful life of it and the motherboard? I don't know how many days or months it operated at that temperature but recently I looked at aida64 and it was high


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568 조회수

No, it should not have affected it much. But (there's always a 'but'), understand that you are well beyond the typical lifetime for these processors already. It was manufactured in 2012, after all.


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541 조회수

 Does this processor model  Intel Core i5-3470 have any protection that turns it off? At what temperature does this occur? reduced motherboard lifespan in heat processor

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532 조회수

I answered this question in my original response.


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430 조회수

between 84 and 90C of this processor reduces the useful life of the processor and motherboard?

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420 조회수
Spikes in this range aren't concerning. If it is consistently sitting in this range, however, whether it will affect the lifetime of the processor depends on whether the processor is being pushed above it's thermal load line - which is *very* hard to determine outside of the factory environment. Suffice it to say, if you are seeing consistent temperatures in this range, I would be replacing the thermal interface material (TIM, a.k.a. heatsink paste). If that doesn't bring temperatures down, then get a better cooling unit.
Hope this helps,
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