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14793 Discussions

Fatal error during installation! Please Help!


My computer has been freezing and then blue screening then I get the Whea_uncorrectable_error. Mostly when i play online games I get the error, or when I do fewthings at once. I tied to update my drivers and every time I try to update the chip-set it gives me fatal error during installation. I went to the Hero 7 mother board and downloaded it from their. I tried the Intel installer/updater and it says, after searching for drivers, that their is "No drivers were detected for you product.

I attached a DXDiag.txt if that helps. Please help!

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hello Diyami,

Thank you for joining the Intel communities.

Many blue screen errors can be resolved by making sure that Windows is up to date. In the search box on the taskbar, enter Windows Update, select Windows Update. On the Windows Update page, select Check for updates.

Have you installed new hardware on this system? Sometimes new hardware can cause blue screen errors. If you recently added new hardware to your PC, shut down your PC, unplug the new hardware, and then restart your PC.

I can see that you're using the video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, have you try removing the video card and use the onboard video to see if you get the same result? Also, use one memory stick at a time to find out if one of your RAMs is causing the problem.

Are you over clocking the system? If yes, disable overclocking, this type of errors and blue screen of death can be caused when the system is overclocking.


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I am up to date. I even updated the bios. I've tried using only one ram at a time i still get the problem. I Haven't instilled any new hardware and I haven't been over clocking...

I have looked online and they said to make sure all your drivers are up-to-date because that can cause it.

When i tied updating the chip set it gets the error.

I get a blue screen mostly when i try to play online games like diablo 3, guildwars2, games like that, or stream.

Its very upsetting please help!

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