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Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield, Socket 775 LGA Not Spinnning



Sorry about the double posts. I had a problem with the Code and only "Hi" was left in the body of the topic and I couldn't find an Edit button.

My cpu fan isn't spinning.

I have a Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield, Socket 775 LGA. I built my pc in March 2008. I haven't had any problems with my hardware until yesterday when

I rebooted. The mobo started beeping constant short beeps and stopping and starting the boot process. In order to stop this from happening, I had to unplug my pc

from the wall. After this happened several times, my computer booted to my desktop. I read the pdf mobo manual and it said that constant short beeps means a

power error. I opened the case and saw that the cpu fan wasn't spinning. My computer had been on for about 5 minutes at this point. After that, I watched a few

movies on my pc so that it was on for about 4 or 5 hours. During this time, I checked the cpu fan and it was never spinning. My computer has been on for a

couple hours today and the cpu fan isn't spinning. It seems that the cpu fan doesn't need to constantly spin because my cpu hasn't fried. Is this normal?

The Document Page for the cpu is

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20 Replies

It's not normal for the fan not to spin, you need to fix or replace the fan. You can try to clean out any dust from it so that it's free to spin if not then you'll have to get a new one.

It's a big risk that the processor will be damaged running without proper cooling, the CPU will lower its performance as much as it can to try and save it's self from being damaged so it might work but it will be running poorly.

You should avoid using the computer until you can get the cooling fixed.


I didn't think it was normal but wanted to make sure it wasn't thermostatically controlled and only turned on when the cpu needed to be cooled. I didn't read any about that in the Document so I wanted to check and make sure. Thanks for replying.

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The fan is thermostatically controlled but it shouldn't ever stop spinning.

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I removed the heatsink/fan from on top of the cpu, cleaned the fan very well (it wasn't very dusty) and vacuumed the grills of the heatsink. When I re-installed it and plugged it in, the fan still wasn't spinning. When I touched the fan connector on the motherboard, the fan started to spin. As soon as I let it go, it stopped spinning. I temporarily wedged the connector in position so the fan will continually run.

Before I removed the heatsink/fan and reinstalled it, my pc stayed on without the fan spinning. After I removed and reinstalled it, my pc won't stay on unless the fan is spinning. The wedge that I put in isn't holding very well so that my pc stays on for only a few minutes and then shuts off. Is there anything I can do about this? I don't know if the connector on the end of the psu is loose or the connector that it connects to on the mobo is having a problem. I don't know why it's loose. I haven't touched it since I originally installed it. Is there a way to find out what's going on?

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I would not recomend you to do this, but..... try bending the pins inward ever so slightly as to put tension on the plug. BE SUPER CAREFUL!!!!!!!!! IF YOU BREAK THEM YOU WILL BE ROYALLY SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck

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The fan is thermostatically controlled but it shouldn't ever stop spinning.

I marked this as a good answer but because my pc kept shutting off, it didn't register. Thanks for letting me know that it's thermistatically controlled but that the fan shouldn't turn off.

I'll try bending the pins an extremely small amount. If it doesn't work, maybe someone will know if there's a cable that I can buy that has ports that will fit both ends? New connectors will probably be tighter and it's the only other way I can think of to get a tighter fit. I'd like to avoid taking it to a pc repair shop if I can.

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Did you clean the grey stuff off the chip and/or fan? That's needed to provide an interface between the two, if you cleaned that off that could explain why it now wont run with out the fan on.

I would consider buying a new fan there ~£15/$23 on eBay, you could also get an upgraded fan that would be less noisey if you had the budget.

If you motherboard has other fan conectors you could try to plug into those instead, you'll probally lose the variation in the fan speed but your computer will run. This would help to locate if the problem is with the fan end or the motherboard end.

You said something about the connector on the PSU, what did you mean by that?

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Did you clean the grey stuff off the chip and/or fan?


I removed the old thermal paste from the processor and heatsink and put on new paste.

I would consider buying a new fan there ~£15/$23 on eBay

I didn't realize that they were so inexpensive. I just purchased one on eBay for $7.50, about as much as I thought that a connecting cable/wire would cost. Thank you

If you motherboard has other fan conectors you could try to plug into those instead.

I thought that I'd try this also but the other fan connectors have only 3 pins and the cpu fan connector has 4 pins.

You said something about the connector on the PSU, what did you mean by that?


I mixed up the abbreviation letters. I didn't mean psu, I meant cpu. I was thinking and typing as fast as I could so that my pc wouldn't shut off before I finished the post. I meant to say "I don't know if the connector on the end of the cpu fan is loose or the connector that it connects to on the mobo is having a problem."

I'll let you all know how it works out.

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You might need a little more thermal paste is it would work for longer before, it cut's out because it's too hot, if there's not enough paste then it's getting hotter than it was before and cuttign out faster.

$7.50 is a bargin, I didn't look hard though.

The 4pin fan will work on 3pin connector, it will just run at full speed as the 4th pin is for the speed control.

OK, I would suspect the fan, you can clearly see the pins on the board if there in good condition or not, on the fan end there all inside the conector. You could maybe try to push the conector on the board carefully to see if there is alot of movement? Be careful though.

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You might need a little more thermal paste is it would work for longer before, it cut's out because it's too hot, if there's not enough paste then it's getting hotter than it was before and cuttign out faster.

I put a lot of paste on, about the size of 2 grains of rice and I spread it around using a credit card. It didn't squeeze out the sides though. This is the second pc that I've built so I know how to work with hardware, but I don't know how to repair broken hardware.

The 4pin fan will work on 3pin connector, it will just run at full speed as the 4th pin is for the speed control.

I'd have to remove the heatsink/fan and turn it around so that the wire is facing a 3-pin connector. The way it's sitting, the wire isn't long enough to reach a 3-pin connector. Since I have a new heatsink/fan on the way, I'll wait until I get it in the mail to see if the new connector will be tight enough on the connector on the mobo. I found that doubling over a thick power cable and wedging it between the fan power connector and the RAM clips right above it holds very well. The fan hasn't been shutting off since I wedged it this way.

You could maybe try to push the conector on the board carefully to see if there is alot of movement

The connector needs slight downward pressure on it in order for the fan to spin so I think it's loose. Either that or the pin on the mobo that acts as a thermostate stopped working and the motherboard no longer sends a signal for the fan to start spinning. I don't know why there's a loss of contact. I've had no need to touch the connector until Friday night.

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I was just looking in the folder of drivers that I have for drivers that I've downloaded and installed. In August, I installed intel_inf_9111014pv and intel_INF_allOS_9.1.1.1015_PV

(the driver names are the exact names that were downloaded). As I said, I don't know when the fan stopped spinning. Could either of these drivers have caused the problem with

the cpu fan?

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Sounds like you have everything covered and will be back working normally with no problems.

The pins are ground, power, speed, speed control.

If the fan's not spining at all then I'd say it's pin 1 or 2 that has a problem, the other's are sort of optional.

I can't see how updatign the drivers cause the fan to stop working, I think it's just bad luck

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So you think it's most probable that the cpu fan pins on my mobo have failed?

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I think the fan is more likely to has failed.

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That's really good to hear. The fan is a lot cheaper to replace than the motherboard! It's supposed to arrive within 2 weeks.

Lately, it seems that pins are very fragile. I didn't have this problem with the first pc that I built. In order to get to the heatsink/fan, I have to remove a large case fan that's connected to the case and sits directly on top of the heatsink/fan, giving only about 1.5 to 2" clearance between the fan and the heatsink/fan. When I plugged it back in, I had to jiggle the wires because it didn't spin up right away. I was very careful when I unplugged it. I would never pull on the wires, only on the plastic clip, and I lifted the latch before I started pulling. After I closed the case, I put my hand in front of the exhaust grillwork for all the fans and there was no air blowing out of this grillwork. When I opened the case, I saw that the fan had stopped again. This fan came with the case. Either I'm having unusally bad luck with my fan connectors or they're not made durable enough for gentle use.

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I got the heatsink/fan in the mail today and installed it. It started up right away, no problems. It looks like the connector on the wire for the fan was the problem. I'm very happy it wasn't my motherboard.

The fan is extremely loud though. I checked to make sure it was seated properly and all 4 plastic pins on the legs that connect to the motherboard were solidly in place.

Can I put a drop of all purpose oil on the fan in the place where it rotates? (I'd put it on my finger first and then rub it in that area)

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I have recently had problems with this same processor fan,and I was wondering what are the diminisions of this fan? I havent been able to figure out whether its an 90 mm,120 mm,etc. Can someone confirm what the size of it is,so I can easily replace it?

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This is what I searched for at eBay: "INTEL HEATSINK FAN FOR Q6600 CORE 2 QUAD LGA775" A Google search might give you the same results if you're searching to buy one.

I just bought 2 80mm case fans. They're about the same size as the processor fan. Definitely not 120mm but they could be 90mm. I did a few searches and none of the info that I read mentioned the size.

BTW, the fan stopped making noise. I haven't opened the case to see if the fan is still rotating. If not, then the problem lies with the pins on the motherboard.

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Thanks good sir,Yeah I've been searching for a while now and have yet to find the diminisions of it. I guess I could of easily measured it but I'd figure I wouldnt have to.

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Glad to hear the new fan has sorted your problems.

The OEM Intel CPU fan isn't quite like a normal 80mm fan as there's no frame, you'd have to buy the whole cooler to replace the fan unless you have the skills to un-mount fan from the frame.

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