Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14770 Discussions

Intel Extreme Tuning Utility not working consistently


I have a 12700KF processor that I am trying to undervolt using XTU. For reasons I can't explain, I have, sometimes, been able to apply the undervolt and the temperature drop and performance improvement is noticeable. The undervolt has, on some occasions, been maintained after shutdown/restart. However, more often than not, XTU will not allow me to apply the selected undervolt, or it will not allow me to make any changes to the Core Voltage Offset slider despite this being colored as active in the window. Note that the functionality will be restored or removed without any changes being made to my system or BIOS.


Troubleshooting I've tried: I've disabled the Windows features that the help file states are incompatible with XTU with no change to this inconsistency (Core Isolation Memory Integrity (HVCI)- Windows says "the page does you are trying to access has no supported features and is not available" ; Hyper-V is disabled; Virtual Machine System is disabled). I've uninstalled and reinstalled XTU. Windows is up to date. 



Intel 12700KF

MSI Z690 Edge Wifi with Click Bios 5

Windows 11

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12 Replies

Hello @JB12

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

In order to review this further, could you please provide us with the following information?

1- Is this a new system? If so, have this behavior occurred since the first day that you have the device, or did it work as expected before?

2- Please confirm the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) version running on the system. Is it the latest

3- Could you please provide "step-by-step" instructions on how you (try) to undervolt the CPU using Intel® XTU? This is to understand better the scenario and replication steps.

4- Run the Intel® System Support Utility (Intel® SSU) to gather more details about the system:

  • Download the Intel® SSU and save the application on your computer
  • Open the application, check the "Everything" checkbox, and click "Scan" to see the system and device information. The Intel® SSU defaults to the "Summary View" on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View".
  • To save your scan, click Next and click Save.
  • Once you have saved the file (.txt file), please attach it to your reply.

To upload and attach a file, use the "Drag and drop here or browse files to attach" option below the response textbox.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Andrew,


  1. This is not a new system, but I have only recently started using XTU once I became aware of the temperatures my CPU has been operating at. I have only been using XTU for 2-3 weeks.
  2. I am running the current version according to the XTU update window (
  3. I have been using the Core Voltage Offset slider or dropdown menu on the Core tab under Advanced Tuning. When this feature works, the slider will move freely, adjusting the offset value, or when selected through the dropdown menu, the proposed value will update. After the undervolt offset is selected, the Apply button will change to a yellow color, and upon clicking Apply, the Active offset value will update to the proposed value. When not working, either the slider will not move, or the proposed value will not update, or the Apply button will not change to a yellow color. Note that I have had the longest consecutive run of XTU working and maintaining the voltage offset for the past 4 days. I have not checked to see whether the slider functionality is working since the desired offset has been maintained after shutdown/startup.
  4. Report attached.
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Hello JB12

Thank you for your response and for the report.

Please allow us to review this further and we will be posting back in the thread once we have more details available.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos



I have an update on "getting XTU to work." Today I had a power outage while my PC was on. Prior to losing power, the undervolt setting had still been retained since the last successful change. Upon restart, XTU provided a notification that it had shutdown incorrectly. The undervolt setting was not retained. I attempted to change the setting with no success. I shutdown XTU and repeated the process of trying to change the voltage offset 5+ times. Screenshots from one of the attempts are attached. I do not know whether this is important, but the core-by-core voltage offset values will only partially update during a failed attempt as is shown in one of the screenshots. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, XTU prompted me with the yellow Apply button on one lucky attempt. When Apply was selected, the windows blue loading circle pointer icon appears and does not go away, and the Active voltage offset is not changed to the Proposed value. I then close the XTU window and exit XTU in the system tray. When XTU is reopened, the Active voltage offset is updated to the selected value.



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Hello JB12

Thank you for this additional information about that other scenario when the issue happened again. We'll keep this information handy.

For this issue (unable to apply and/or keep the settings), could you please try the following steps and let us know the outcome?

1- Contact the motherboard manufacturer for assistance to update to the latest BIOS version available. Based on MSI* website, the latest one available is Version 7D31v17.

2- Uninstall Intel® XTU following the steps in this article: How to Uninstall the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU). (Do not reinstall at this point).

3- Get everything back to defaults on the BIOS. Contact your OEM MSI* for proper guidance with this step.

4- Download and install the Intel® XTU application again: Intel® XTU Version (Latest) and then try to apply the desired settings.

If after this, the settings are not being saved after a restart please provide us with the XTU logs located on "C:\ProgramData\Intel\Intel Extreme Tuning Utility". Please attached the logs in a .zip file.


Sometimes the ProgramData folder is a hidden folder, so if you cannot see the folder, change the settings to show all hidden files. In File Explorer, choose the View tab at the top of the page and check the box for hidden items to be shown.

Also, was the power outage an isolated event that might trigger the behavior just for this time? or have you noticed any other power source or electrical events that might be related to the times when you have noticed the issue?

Finally, just to make sure, are you trying to apply those settings due to experiencing overheating issues? If so, could you please provide more details?

In addition, we recommend reviewing the suggestions/steps in the following article that may help with overheating issues in case you haven't tested yet: Overheating Symptoms and Troubleshooting for Intel® Boxed Processors.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos



I will try updating the BIOS over the weekend. As a note, the only settings I've changed in the BIOS from OEM settings are:

  1. Disabled Virtualization per XTU compatibility information
  2. Increased RAM clock to 4800MHz
  3. Adjusted fan curves for higher speed at lower temps (more on this below)

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling XTU as well, but I will follow the steps outlined above.


The power outage was an isolated incident. It does seem that, if XTU is shutdown unexpectedly- like a Windows crash or power outage- that the settings are not retained. During the stretches where the settings are retained, I am leaving XTU running while shutting my computer. XTU does not start with Windows, but when XTU is opened, the settings have been retained most of the time. I can't say that every time the settings aren't retained that it was due to an unexpected shutdown.


I decided to adjust the voltage offset to an undervolt because I have noticed that, when using factory settings and playing some games, the average package temperature is higher than I would like it and very often high enough to trigger thermal throttling. My first instinct was to increase system and CPU cooling, so I have replaced all the fans in my case with higher capacity fans, added two additional fans I did not have previously, and changed all the fan curves to reach 100% speed at CPU temp of 60C. I also changed my CPU cooler to a tower design with dual heat sinks and two fans. I have also verified that I have adequate thermal paste distribution on the CPU. With the undervolt applied, the temperatures rarely reach 80C even when running the most demanding games, and I have noticed that the various benchmark tools I have run tend to score the CPU performance higher with the undervolt applied.




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Hello JB12

Thank you very much for your response and for all the details.


Your detailed explanation really helped us to understand better the scenario and your reasons to try to adjust the voltage offset.

We understand you'll try the BIOS update and the reinstallation steps for Intel® XTU. Please feel free to post back regarding the outcome of the steps or additional details about any other event with Intel® XTU.


Let's monitor the behavior and we will be waiting for your feedback. If you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us back.


Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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Hello JB12

We are checking this thread and we would like to know if you were able to try the BIOS update and the reinstallation steps for Intel® XTU. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us back.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos



I apologize for the delay. I am moving this week, and I have not had the chance to update the BIOS and try the reinstallation steps. It may be another week before I'm settled. I'll post an update when I can.


Thank you,


0 Kudos

Hello JB12

Thank you for your response.

We understand that you will need more time to try the steps, that is ok, and no worries.

We will be following up the next week just in case we won't hear back from you.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello JB12

We are following up on this thread and we would like to know if you need further assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact us back if you have additional inquiries.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello JB12

We have not heard back from you so we will proceed to close this thread now. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

It has been a pleasure to assist you.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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