Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14722 Discussions

i3 4170 on H97 chipset shuts down at 45-46 degrees


I have a home-built NAS box running with a Core i3 4170 CPU on an ASRock H97M-ITX/ac motherboard with the latest FW available for it. It runs perfectly so long as the CPU stays below 45-46 degrees C. Once it hits that range it shuts down (or reboots). This happens even in the BIOS setup screen, so I know it isn't a software issue. This CPU should run just fine at 70+ degrees. Anyone seen this behavior? It is under warranty, so I want to make sure I get it taken care of if it is a hardware failure.

Thanks in advance!

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4 Replies

Hello john4all:



In order to better assist you we just need to verify a few details:



Did it work fine before, or this problem happens since day 1?



Did you try a BIOS update to the latest version on the board?



If the PC is booting to Windows®, if it does please run the following tool, it is called the Intel® processor diagnostics tool:



Second option to the left to install it.



It does an overall test on the processor, including a temperature test.



If it passed the test it should be fine, but if while running the test the PC reboots by itself, in that case it could be a problem with the processor itself.



Do you have the option to test the processor on a different board, or the board with a different processor?



That will be very helpful, if you have the option of course, also, if there is a PC repair store close to you, they might be able to do that for you.



Remember the processor has 3 years of warranty from the date of purchase, and if it is necessary we can replace it for you.



Please let me know the results of the test, so we can further assist you.



Any questions, please let me know.





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Thank you for the reply. I'll answer what I can right now, but I'll have to put some work into getting the diagnostics tool run (system is currently running FreeBSD).

1. The system worked fine from November 2015 until about a month or two ago. That is when the weather warmed significantly here in Texas, so it is no surprise that it worked well until then.

2. I have been through three BIOS versions, including the latest version released just four days ago. The behavior is the same. I also reset the BIOS to defaults - no improvement.

I will see what I can do about testing the CPU with another board and running the diagnostics. Easy enough to boot to a Windows USB. Updates to come once I have more info.


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Hello john4all:



Thank you very much for that information.



Perfect, no problem, once you get the chance to do the rest of the tests, please let us know the results.



Any questions, please let me know.





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Hello john4all:



I just wanted to check if you were able to do the rest of the tests, and if the problem was fixed or if it still persist?



Any questions, please let me know.





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