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processor power management optimization


ive been playing around with the processor power management options (win 10 pro 64bit) for quite a while already since i noticed that my old notebook's cpu (i7-720qm) struggles with running on full power (mainly due to heat i assume).

i already managed to optimize performance quite noticeably, but some of the settings are not fully clear to me resp. their default settings are quite confusing, even contradicting to their descriptions.

so if there is somebody familiar with processor power management - ie. idle and performance states and their respective settings, some explanations and recommendations would be highly appreciated.

my main aim is to make the cpu run on as few cores/threads possible, clocked as high as possible, before unparking additional cores/threads. ie. to be highly responsive for just a few tasks rather than manage multiple tasks simultaneously, and not getting throttled because too many threads get unparked although just a few - but clocked high - would manage it better. mainly because most of my tasks much more require few but high clocked threads than more parallel processing.

here are the settings i have set currently:

processor performance increase threshold - 30%


processor performance core parking min cores - 13%


processor performance decrease threshold - 20%


processor performance core parking concurrency threshold - 95%


processor energy performance preference policy - 20%


allow throttle states - off


processor performance decrease policy - ideal


processor performance core parking parked performance state - no preference


processor performance boost policy - 100%


processor performance increase policy ideal - aggressive


processor idle demote threshold - 30%


processor performance core parking distribution threshold - 90%


processor duty cycling - disabled


processor idle disable enable - idle


processor performance core parking decrease threshold - 60%


processor performance core parking decrease policy - ideal


processor idle promote threshold - 50%


minimum processor state - 50%


processor performance autonomous mode - enabled


processor performance core parking overutilization threshold - 80%


system cooling policy - active


processor performance core parking core override - disabled


maximum processor state - 100%


processor performance boost mode - aggressive


processor performance core parking increase policy - ideal


processor performance core parking increase threshold - 80%


processor performance core parking utility distribution - disabled


processor performance core parking max cores - 100%

what confuses me a bit are the default settings in power saver & high performance profiles of

processor idle demote threshold - ps: 20% / hp: 40%

processor idle promote threshold - ps: 40% / hp: 60%

judging from their descriptions, i would actually suggest them being exactly opposite?!

any suggestions on these two options resp. how to optimize the power settings better to achieve what i explained above - as few cores/threads unparked as possible, clocked as high as possible, before unparking more, without capping min/max states or preventing threads from parking/unparking completely?


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2 Replies

Please bear in mind that this type of processor power customization is out of scope of support, since this will involve BIOS settings and you have a laptop system, my recommendation would be to get a hold of the computer manufacturer for bios settings information.



For information about the processor power management, see the link below:



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thank you, but actually this has nothing to do with BIOS settings - these are only windows power profile settings; although not visible as default, they are still available if made visible or simply set within the registry.

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