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temperature 860 i7


I wonder what is the maximum working temperature to a core i7 860 can achieve without damage. Playing it marks a temperature of 60, 61 degrees Celsius

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6 Replies


They can go quite a bit higher than that so you are fine.

You will know when a CPU is reaching it's max temp as it will start throttling itself, if the temp still keeps going up it will shut it self down as to prevent damage.

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Thank you!

But I'm scared. When converting an AVI to MKV processor temperature was increased (49.50 ... 63 degrees celsius and rising). At this point I canceled the conversion, because I was afraid it could ruin my core i 7860.

Is this normal? Use the original cooler.
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Valued Contributor III

if you work hard, do you get hot?

So does the CPU, If things get too hot the CPU will throttle.

How hot is too hot? Don't exceed Tcase max (72.7C)

Another option is to add more cooling, so the CPU never gets too close,but if i were to bet, you system CPU when up to the 63 degC and the fans went to full speed ho keep it running in temp..

Working As Designed!.

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You can't base decisions on Tcase-max because this is a temperature measured on the external surface ( the "case") of the processor whereas the readings from the DTS are temperatures measured right in the silicon, where it can and will be hotter (the DTS are measuring temperatures at the sources of heat generation in each core).

The processor has a temperature, known as Tcontrol, which you need to maintain temperatures at or below. This is typically in the vicinity of 20 degrees below the TCC assertion point (the point where the processor will throttle performance to protect itself from high temperatures) and the TCC assertion point is somewhere in the vicinity of 100 degrees, but both of these numbers vary in each individual desktop processor. It would be best to run a tool that can tell you what these numbers actually are for your individual processor. Try the tools from the CPUID folks ( or something like AIDA64 from FinalWire (; this is the replacement for the older Everest application). Once you know where Tcontrol is for your processor, you can rest assured that, if you keep temepratures at or below this threshold, you processor will do just fine...

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Valued Contributor III

Can you name any normal operating condition where the processor core temp as reported by the CPU reporting tools (63C in this case) is going to read higher than the case temperature (Tc_max)? Won't happen. in side is always hotter.

(ok, put a liquid nitrogen cooling system on to freeze the case and then over clock the CPU 10x but i don't call that "normal")

Tcase max is a safe target for operator CPU monitoring, because as long as the core temp is less than Tcase max you can't exceed max at the case..

So in this persons case where he is reading a core temp of 63 deg C and Tcase max is almost 73 deg C, he has 10 degC before he even needs to start being concerned and a good safety margin beyond that.

Can't fault Robert on H20 cooling either for those who may run app's that push the CPU this hard a lot or for system where chassis cooling is sub-optimal.

H20 is usually over kill, but it won't hurt (unless it leaks) and you get the best heat transfer with H20 systems. (short of liquid nitrogen)

Cooler and constant is always best when it come to getting maximum life out of electronics.

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Honored Contributor I

Coursair makes a nice little H2O kit for CPU cooling , It's about $75.00 . I've got two on high watt CPUs and they stay about 39c. Oh the kit is called the H-50. see newegg. Using one on a QX9650 130 watts and the other on a Xeon 95 watts .

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