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Connecting DSP kit to AM module

Honored Contributor II

what is the limit upon the input power from AM receiver module to ADC on DSP cyclone II kit and is there any problem if the transmitter card has a different VCC than that of the DAC on the board 

by the way ADC has a sampling rate 125 MSPS & that of DAC is 165 MSPS as stated in specifications so how can I change these rates to be adaptable to the TX nad RX modules.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hello Mohamed, 

From the nature of your question I suspect that you will always struggle to complete whatever you are trying to do (student project?). My advice would be to get hold of the data sheets for the ADC and DAC and study them meaningfully before attempting to drive your transmitter. I doubt whether any other approach will work. Performing slowly but surely always wins a race (unless its 100m ;) ).
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