Programmable Devices
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20778 Discussions

Cordic Processor descreption VHDL

Honored Contributor II

it is the cordic processor descreption with a pipline cellul, I need the VHDL descreption of package "constantes_cordic.all"  


description du processeur 

cordic à accumulateur 

b.1 cellule du pipeline 

-- description d’une cellule du pipeline 

library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 

use work.constantes_cordic.all; 

entity cordic_cell is 

generic (resolution : natural := out_n; 

cell_id : natural := 1 


port (clk, rst : in std_logic; 

-- les ’signed’ sont représentés en 

-- complément à 2 

X1 : in signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Y1 : in signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Z1 : in signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

X2 : out signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Y2 : out signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Z2 : out signed(resolution-1 downto 0) 


end entity cordic_cell; 

architecture arch_cordic_cell of cordic_cell is 

signal X2_t,Y2_t,Z2_t,X1_s,Y1_s,atan : 

signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

signal Z_sign : std_logic; 

-- fonction décalage à droite arithmétique 

-- d’amplitude n ( sur entier en complément à 2) 

function rshift(val : in signed) return signed is 

variable tampon : signed(val’range); 


for i in val’high downto val’high-cell_id+1 loop 

-- on place à 0 (nbr positif) ou 1 (nbr négatif) 

-- les n msbs 

tampon(i):= val(val’range); 

end loop; 

for i in val’range-cell_id downto 0 loop 

-- on décale vers la droite le reste des 

-- bits 

tampon(i):= val(i+cell_id); 

end loop; 

return tampon; 

end function rshift; 

-- fonction addition / soustraction 

function addsub(v1 : in signed; 

v2 : in signed; 

sign : in std_logic) 

return signed is 


if sign = ’1’ then 

return v1+v2; 


return v1-v2; 

end if; 

end function addsub; 


Z_sign <= Z1(resolution-1); 

atan <= arctan(cell_id); 

X1_s <= rshift(X1); 

Y1_s <= rshift(Y1); 

X2_t <= addsub(X1,Y1_s,Z_sign); 

Y2_t <= addsub(Y1,X1_s,not Z_sign); 

Z2_t <= addsub(Z1,atan,Z_sign); 

cordic_process : process(rst,clk) 


if rst=’1’ then 

X2 <= (others=>’0’); 

Y2 <= (others=>’0’); 

Z2 <= (others=>’0’); 

elsif rising_edge(clk) then 

X2 <= X2_t; 

Y2 <= Y2_t; 

Z2 <= Z2_t; 

end if; 

end process cordic_process; 

end arch_cordic_cell; 

B.2 pipeline 

-- description du pipeline 

library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 

use work.constantes_cordic.all; 

entity cordic is 

port (clk, rst : in std_logic; 

theta : in signed(out_n-1 downto 0); 

rho_2 : in signed(out_n-1 downto 0); 

cos : out signed(out_n-1 downto 0); 

sin : out signed(out_n-1 downto 0) 


end entity cordic; 

architecture pipeline_simple of cordic is 

-- signaux de connexion entre les différentes 

-- cellules du pipeline 

signal X,Y,Z : pipeline_array; 

-- cellule de pipeline 

component cordic_cell is 

generic (resolution : natural := out_n; 

cell_id : natural := 1 


port (clk, rst : in std_logic; 

X1 : in signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Y1 : in signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Z1 : in signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

X2 : out signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Y2 : out signed(resolution-1 downto 0); 

Z2 : out signed(resolution-1 downto 0) 


end component cordic_cell; 


-- correspondance des signaux 

X(0) <= rho_2; 

Y(0) <= (others => ’0’); 

Z(0) <= theta; 

cos <= X(pipeline_n); 

sin <= Y(pipeline_n); 

fabrication_pipeline : 

for n in 1 to pipeline_n generate 

pipe_cell : cordic_cell 

generic map (resolution => out_n, 

cell_id => n) 

port map (clk => clk, 

rst => rst, 

X1 => X(n-1), 

Y1 => Y(n-1), 

Z1 => Z(n-1), 

X2 => X(n), 

Y2 => Y(n), 

Z2 => Z(n)); 

end generate fabrication_pipeline; 

end pipeline_simple;
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