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Create Megafunction/Macrofunction

Honored Contributor II

Hello, I'm doing my project of fpga and my teacher said that we need to create megafunction. But we don't use the language HDL, we only use Block Diagram / Schematic File and vector waves form. 


Then, i clicked in create a megafunction, but i don't understand very well, somebody can help me? 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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Hello, I'm doing my project of fpga and my teacher said that we need to create megafunction. But we don't use the language HDL, we only use Block Diagram / Schematic File and vector waves form. 


Then, i clicked in create a megafunction, but i don't understand very well, somebody can help me? 



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start the megawizard and generate your megafunction. The Wizard will generate a symbol and when double click into your schematic the symbol tab opens. In the folder "project" you should find the generated symbol. You can use it like all other symbols. 


kind regard 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

ook thanks, but i have another question. I don't know nothing about language VHDL, AHDL, or other language. Can I create without this languages? 


And for example, i click on megaziward, and i have the options of gates, i/o and memory and other options. But i can select only one thing. 


For example, if i want to create a demux with 3 inputs/8outputs, how i will create it? 


Thanks for all.:D
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

ook thanks, but i have another question. I don't know nothing about language VHDL, AHDL, or other language. Can I create without this languages? 


And for example, i click on megaziward, and i have the options of gates, i/o and memory and other options. But i can select only one thing. 


For example, if i want to create a demux with 3 inputs/8outputs, how i will create it? 


Thanks for all.:D 

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you can use all the elements you found in the megawizard without any knowledge of  

VHDL or Verilog. Functions you could not find you have to build by your own with the 

available elements. ( e.g. a mux with some gates ). This could be a good choice fo small  

projects. If you would like to stay in the area of digital circuit development I would recommend to switch to VHDL or Verilog. I'm pretty sure you have to learn it anyway. 


Kind regards 


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