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How to use VGA and audio ports on DE2-115 (Cyclone IV E)

Honored Contributor II

Hello community: 


I would like to know how to make use of the VGA port on the DE2-115 board using either Verilog or C++ code in Quartus II, it doesn't really matter which. I would like to be able to flip the switches and have the VGA port Output a specific color on a monitor depending on which switch is flipped. I would also like to have the LCD display on the board itself have the name of the word displayed and the hex display to show the hex code for the color being displayed. If possible I would also like a sound clip each time a switch is flipped which will play the name of each color too using the audio port. I have used Qsys and Verilog files a little bit but no enough to even know where to begin on something that is not in a tutorial somewhere. Since this isn’t a class assignment (Just something I want to do which is why there are so many things I listed without a specific guideline to follow) feel free to lend as much assistance as possible without feeling as though I’m cheating myself out of something. 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Sounds like a nice little project:), although, as a whole it's not trivial, especially for someone who has  

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used Qsys and Verilog files a little bit but no enough to even know where to begin 

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I suggest you concentrate on one aspect of it at a time. How about the VGA first? 


I'd suggest you do everything you want to do in verilog. (QuartusII isn't very good with C++...:oops:) 


Have a good read of the following link: (


It takes you through the basics of VGA and how to control it - it even has some code for you to use. It should be enough to get you stated.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi, a_x_h_75, I'm doing a similar project with the lcd display and have no idea where to start. Any chance you have a useful link for it?

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Honored Contributor II

The 'Control Panel' software that comes on the system CD allows you to control the LCD panel (along with many other features of the board):) 


If you're looking to understand the controlling protocol then: (

is pretty good and refers to the control codes used by a display compatible with the one on the DE2-115 board. Perfectly good place to start...
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