Programmable Devices
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20754 Discussions

Intra-clock period timestamp capture

Honored Contributor II

Good afternoon, 


I have an input pin which goes from low to high asynchronously. I am interested in WHEN this transition occurred. As the first step, I have a clocked counter and I record the value of this counter when the clocked process sees the pin transition low to high. 


However, I need to detect the transition time more accurately than the clock period. I know what I want to do in hardware, but worry that quartus will 'optimize' my circuit into something that's wrong. I want to ensure this doesn't happen... ideally as cross-vendor as possible. 


Here's my plan for detecting the intra-period offset: 

signal inp : std_logic; -- the input pin 

signal a, b, c, d : std_logic; -- the pin with increasing delay 

signal clk : std_logic; -- the main clock 

signal ra, rb, rc, rd : std_logic; -- captured trace 


a <= '1' and inp; 

b <= '1' and a; 

c <= '1' and b; 

d <= '1' and c; 



process(clk) begin 

if (rising_edge(clk)) then 

ra <= a; 

rb <= b; 

rc <= c; 

rd <= d; 


end if; 

end process; 


The idea here is that the input pin goes through some combinatorial logic that delays it. Then on the clock edge, I latch the logic in parallel registers. Afterwards, I can count how many registers stored a '1' to see how far the signal transition propagated. The further it went, the earlier it arrived. Calibration and conversion of these registers to an actual timestamp is a solved problem and not part of my question. 


My concern is that quartus will see that: 

a <= '1' and inp; 

is the same as: 

a <= inp; 

... and eliminate my introduced delay. 


How can I force quartus to add delays to my signal between the capture registers. Is there a way to do this portably? (I will need to do it on a spartan6 afterwards as well).
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Might lcell be what I'm looking for? 

... I somehow didn't find this on my previous google searches.
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