Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20778 Discussions

--------------Issue With ADP6x01PCI not Recognized-----------------------

Honored Contributor II

Hello Room, 

I have a PCI card made by Altera (ADP6x01) integrated into a system running with Windows XP. This PCI card is not recognized by Windows although I have the drivers for this PCI card. The problem is that the driver installation still does not make the card work. 

In the installation folder of the PCI card, there is a encrypted manual file that explains how to recognize the PCI card with Windows operating system. The company that sold us the system no longer exists. 

I am looking for help to have the ADP6x01PCI card recognized or decrypt the password. The manual file is protected by a password and I would like that it stops requiring the password. 

Thank you to anyone willing to help me and for your advice.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Do you have the schematic for the board? 


Do you have the HDL configured in the FPGA? 


If you have those, and its only the driver that you are missing, then developing a replacement driver should not be too difficult (depending on what it does). 


Given that Windows XP is dead, its time to upgrade to a real operating system anyway, so why not create a Linux driver for your board? 



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Honored Contributor II

Good morning Dave, 



how are you doing ?  

Thank you for your reply.  

For information, the system was sold to us by a company 

which went bankrupt. The only information we have are as per attached file. 

tell me what email address should I send you the HDL? 

I unfortunately do not have the schematic for the board 

We know that the driver of this card is based on Unix.  

If you can help me we will arrange a compensation if you find a definitive working solution. 


We look forward to your reply and remain 


with best regards  

Thank you in advance 



Abdoulaye FALL
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Honored Contributor II

Hi Abdoulaye FALL , 



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The only information we have are as per attached file. 


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There was no attachment, perhaps you have too few posts. You can just email me the document (my forum name is my email address). 



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tell me what email address should I send you the HDL? 


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HDL is not enough. You need HDL + pin constraints + timing constraints. If you had HDL + schematics, you would be able to work out the pin constraints. 



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If you can help me we will arrange a compensation if you find a definitive working solution. 


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No need. I'll look at the documentation, and give you advice. You'll have to do the work :) 



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