Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers

LE mode

Honored Contributor II

the LE have two modes , when in 6-lut , the first is 6-lut, The second is 3-lut + 3-lut . then i have a question is that  


1 : which mode is better ? 

2: can i control the LE mode by the verilog ?  


thank you
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

There are a lot more than 2 modes. You can do 4 and 4, 5 and 3, some special 7LUT functions, etc. They're all dependent on your logic which is better. It's very difficult to control, and probably the last thing you want to be doing. (Stratix size devices would never get done if you had to worry about what size LUT all your logic was going into). There are occasional one-off reasons a user might need to force it, but in general let the tools take care of it for you. Instead worry about high-level settings like synthesis for Area, Speed, or Balanced, for example.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

There are a lot more than 2 modes. You can do 4 and 4, 5 and 3, some special 7LUT functions, etc. They're all dependent on your logic which is better. It's very difficult to control, and probably the last thing you want to be doing. (Stratix size devices would never get done if you had to worry about what size LUT all your logic was going into). There are occasional one-off reasons a user might need to force it, but in general let the tools take care of it for you. Instead worry about high-level settings like synthesis for Area, Speed, or Balanced, for example. 

--- Quote End ---  



but such as in stratix : i write a addr  

for example  


input a,b,c,d,e ; 

output wire [2:0]cout ; 

wire [1:0]sum1,sum2 ; 

wire [2:0]sum3 ; 

wire [1:0]sum4,sum5 ; 


////////1 ////////////// 

sum1 = a +b ; 

sum2 = c +d ; 

sum3 = e +sum1 ; 

cout = sum2 + sum3 ; 


////////2 /////////// 

sum4 = a +b+c ; 

cout = d+e+sum4 



when 1 : then need 4 2-input addr ,  

but when 2 then only need 2 3-input addr . 

and the cost of LE ,2 is less than 1 , 


can you tell me why ? 

thank you very much
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