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NEEK version of InterNiche Superloop example for 9.0sp1

Honored Contributor II

I have recently posted a NEEK version of this superloop example to the Nios Wiki, please follow the link below. 


superloop simple socket server plus ( - This is a SUPERLOOP implementation of the Simple Socket Server Plus application. In this example the application is compiled with the InterNiche Stack running in superloop mode, without an RTOS.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi, very interesting. 


I want to build my own superloop ethernet software for NIOS II. No server yet. Some very basic transferts. 


I have a few questions :  

Are you obliged to activate the RTOS in system library properties in NIOS II IDE even if RTOS is not used ?
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Honored Contributor II

IIRC the IDE prevents you from enabling the Interniche TCP/IP stack without the RTOS. But if you want to run in superloop mode you must disable the RTOS, and the only way to do that with the TCP/IP stack still enabled is to manually edit the system library system.stf file.

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you very much. it makes it more understood. 

But now I am facing to inclusion problems. I try to "fix". 


A lot of tedious work :  

Add all new includes paths in project properties (specifically in build properties) 

clic, clic, clic, add..., clic, paste, enter, ... reclic, clic, ........:mad:  

Do it again for "Debug" 


Add Defined SUPERLOOP in Build properties. 

Do it again for "Debug" 


....:eek: :confused: :huh: :lol:
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