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PCIE- Ethernet file not transferring

Honored Contributor II


i am using Cyclone IV gx "ep4cgx75cf23i7"Fpga. the test setup is attached. 

In ethernet side am using 32 bit internal fifo and on PCIE side also am giving a 32 bit data. Am able to ping between Linux PC and Windows PC . But file transferring is not happening. 


Here windows PC is Source and Linux PC is Destination.i had attached both the windows and Linux PC's wireshark capture. 

I Tried to access the shared file in Linux PC through Windows PC.The windows PC Request (sl no 11 in windows wireshark) (TCP Flag SYN bit set) and same request comes at Linux PC(sl no 11 in Linux wireshark)(here also TCP Flag SYN bit set), since we are using 32 bit data transmission if the frame length is not multiple of 4 then extra padding will happening at last same thing is happening in our side also you can observe as a "VSS-monitoring ethernat trailer" in sl no 11 of Linux wireshark. Then Linux PC is responsing back to the request with sl no 12 in Linux wireshark (TCP Flag SYN and ACK bit set) , then the windows PC also gets the same response as we expect at sl no 12 in windows wireshark(here also TCP Flag SYN and ACK bit set), but then the windows PC is not responsing to that Reply from Linux PC. Normally windows PC has to response with (TCP Flag SYN reset and ACK bit set).What might be the problem.  



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

set up is attached here

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