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SD Card access via direct communication( DE1 board )

Honored Contributor II

Hi @ all, 


Seems to me, I have landed in like a dead end, so please, your help is needed.Most of all is done already in my project ( see homepage ), but now. I have big problems concerning the SD card with my DE1 board. I am using the AlteraUniversity Program Secure Data IP Core to get access to the SD card. It works fine with the Hardware Abstraction Layer Device Driver and I am able to read and write data from/to the SD Card via "alt_up_sd_card_read" and "alt_up_sd_card_write". 

Based on the FAT16 limitations, it was not useable for me and I diceded to use the Memory-Mapped technique. I followed the example on page 5 , but this doeas not work at all in my case: 

System/NIOSII crash/hang. Is it necessary to install additional moduls/HAL's via SOPC ? SPI core ? Is there a example available , just to write one block to the SD card and readback this block via "WRITE_BLOCK" and "READ_BLOCK" ?  

Many thanks in advance
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Honored Contributor II

Thread can be closed.  

Problem has been solved by myself.
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