Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
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TCK change leaves USB Blaster II with green LED (MAX3000A)

Honored Contributor II

Last week I programmed over 10 MAX3000A series CPLD's with the Quartus Prime Lite software using the USB Blaster II. I installed the software with the MAX packets and received a PASSED message for each PCB. This week I tried to program more and nothing will work. I receive a failed message every time. I've tried running the software as admin and uninstalled all Windows updates since the first batch, but nothing seems to work. I have also changed the TCK frequency from the command line; every time I change the frequency I get a solid green LED which means the JTAG port is open. When I plug the JTAG connector up with a green LED instead of blue, the LED's on the board flash when the LED is green and programming will not work. I know the TCK frequency is changing because of the difference in the time it takes to give me a failed message and I verified it with an oscope. Does anyone know why the Quartus Prime Lite (FREE) software would just stop working? Has anyone else had this issue? Also any suggestions or additional info about the TCK frequency would be great. I am running out of ideas and options, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Have you retried one of your working boards from last week? Can you erase one and reprogram it? 


Do you 'simply' have faulty devices? 


My experience shows the newer releases of Quartus, running on Windows, occasionally drops the USB-Blaster as a device. Worst case it's a reboot, but nothing more. However, that doesn't appear to be your issue. 



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Honored Contributor II

I am currently getting around 7V on my 3.3V Vcc line when the programmer is connected and the board is powered. It is around 1.8V from the programmer when the board is not powered. This is the case for both batches of boards. I feel like the programmer may be the issue.

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