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TSW1400 (Stratix IV) Starting Out

Honored Contributor II

Hello all! 


I recent tsw1400 evm ( from TI, an evaluation board by TI that features a Stratix IV. To begin, I began working off of the application note here (, using Quartus II. The application example takes a signal in to an ADC, passes it to the FPGA and into a FIFO, and then back out to a DAC. For my purposes, I have simplified this system. I have stripped this down to a simple counter, ROM, and a DDR Converter (ALTDIDO_TX from the example). 


In the default configuration, you cannot configure the TSW1400 over JTAG, but you can over USB (technically also JTAG) as seen in this thread (, using the TI HSDC Pro software. When I download the firmware to the board using the process here, I get the error shown in this thread ( (indicating nothing, really).  


However, at this point, I'm simply trying to verify that the code had made it to the board. To do so, I added this to the end of the Top Level: 

assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b0; assign led = 1'b0; assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b0; assign led = 1'b1; 


Note, these are just random 1's and 0's so I can see if the pattern shows up. Once I compile and create the programming file (.rbf) and upload to the board, I don't get any LEDs lighting up. I'm trying to figure out if there is an issue with my code, or an issue uploading the firmware to the board. The pins should be set up correctly, as I am using the exact configuration from TI, unaltered. I do get a warning (not an error) about some of the outputs being tied directly to GND or VDD when I compile, but the RTL simulation does have the LEDs at the proper logic level.  


Can someone point me in the right direction? I've attached my top level, but can attach the whole project if necessary.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hello all! 


I recent TSW1400 EVM from TI, an evaluation board by TI that features a Stratix IV. To begin, I began working off of the application note here, using Quartus II. The application example takes a signal in to an ADC, passes it to the FPGA and into a FIFO, and then back out to a DAC. For my purposes, I have simplified this system. I have stripped this down to a simple counter, ROM, and a DDR Converter (ALTDIDO_TX from the example). 


In the default configuration, you cannot configure the TSW1400 over JTAG, but you can over USB (technically also JTAG) as seen in this thread, using the TI HSDC Pro software. When I download the firmware to the board using the process here, I get the error shown in this thread (indicating nothing, really).  


However, at this point, I'm simply trying to verify that the code had made it to the board. To do so, I added this to the end of the Top Level: 


assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b0; assign led = 1'b0; assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b1; assign led = 1'b0; assign led = 1'b1;  


Note, these are just random 1's and 0's so I can see if the pattern shows up. Once I compile and create the programming file (.rbf) and upload to the board, I don't get any LEDs lighting up. I'm trying to figure out if there is an issue with my code, or an issue uploading the firmware to the board. The pins should be set up correctly, as I am using the exact configuration from TI, unaltered. I do get a warning (not an error) about some of the outputs being tied directly to GND or VDD when I compile, but the RTL simulation does have the LEDs at the proper logic level.  


Can someone point me in the right direction? I've attached my top level, but can attach the whole project if necessary.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I recently went through a similar exercise with the TSW14J56 board, which contains an Arria V. 


The TSW1400 has a JTAG header, so I'd recommend starting by using that. The TSW14J56 has a similar setup, and you just need to change some jumpers to enable the use of the JTAG interface. 


Once I had a design working over JTAG, I confirmed I could also load the .rbf over their USB-to-Serial interface. However, I want to use SignalTap II and the Transceiver Toolkit, and these interfaces require using JTAG, so I'm using that interface for now. 



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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


The TSW1400 has a JTAG header, so I'd recommend starting by using that. The TSW14J56 has a similar setup, and you just need to change some jumpers to enable the use of the JTAG interface. 


--- Quote End ---  



Thank you for the reply. Indeed, the TSW1400 does have a JTAG header. Sadly, by default, it is not connected. And even more regrettable, I can't change jumpers to access it, I have to do some SMT soldering (remove four 0 ohm resistors, and connect a different four). Ideally, I'd like to stay away from this, as I would rather not make the change, only to change it back when I wanted to use USB (I'd like to use the USB JTAG in the end). Honestly, I'm a little surprised they put a JTAG connector, but didn't use jumpers to switch between the two. 


If you're interested, the schematic is here (downloadable zip) ( According to TI, I would need to install R55, R57, R58, R59, R60 and R129 and remove R61, R62, R63, and R64. 







For anyone curious, there are multiple ways to generate an .rbf file (the file TI wants you to use to program using their HSDC Pro software). I was going into simulation settings and enabling the .rbf file. This method DOES NOT work. However, after working with TI, the solution was to generate a .sof file, and use the file converter tool (in the File menu) to create an .rbf file. This method does work.
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