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Understand and solve setup violation in dual domain clock

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 


I have a project where I have two clock:  

- 50 MHz oscillator for NIOS synthetized on FPGA  

- 60 MHz oscillator for USB (from UM232H module) used in a custom component attached wtih QSys to NIOS 


QSys automatically handle cross-domain transfers of signals. 


I wat to see signals that come and go into USB module with signaltap so I have multiplied by 2 (to 120 MHz) USB clock with a PLL and attached it to SignalTap. 


Timing requirements are not met because I have ADBUS signals (bidirectional DATA signals for USB) that violate setup timing by -0.684ns 

If I report Timing Closure Reccomendations with TimeQuest I get: 



--- Quote Start ---  

Register the partition boundaries for the path from pin_ft232h_ADBUS[5] to sld_signaltap:aut...rigger_in_reg[5] 

Issue: Cross-partition Paths 

From: pin_ft232h_ADBUS[5] 

To: sld_signaltap:auto_signaltap_0|acq_trigger_in_reg[5] 

TimeQuest analysis: report timing 

Partitions that should be merged: 

Top -> sld_signaltap:auto_signaltap_0 


--- Quote End ---  



What can I do? Attached Timequest details
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Deleting ADBUS from signaltap seem to remove violation. Are so hard to observe bidirectional pin?

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