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VHDL problem: inputs and constants

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

I've a problem in VHDL. 

This code runs correctly: 


library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity CLOCK_SIM is generic ( constant FREQ : integer:=10000000; constant DUTY : integer:=50 ); port ( enable : in STD_LOGIC; output : out STD_LOGIC ); end CLOCK_SIM; architecture CLOCK_SIM_ARCH of CLOCK_SIM is begin -- Processo principale MainProcess : process constant RDUTY : real:=real(DUTY)/100.0; constant TCLKH : time:=1 sec*((1.0/real(FREQ))*RDUTY); constant TCLKL : time:=1 sec*((1.0/real(FREQ))*(1.0-RDUTY)); begin if enable='1' then output<='1'; wait for TCLKH; output<='0'; wait for TCLKL; else wait until enable='1'; end if; end process MainProcess; end CLOCK_SIM_ARCH;  


but if I make a constant like an input: 

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity pwm_DC is generic ( --constant FREQ : integer:=1000000; constant DUTY : integer:=50 ); port ( f : in integer; enable : in STD_LOGIC; output : out STD_LOGIC ); end pwm_DC; architecture pwm_DC_arch of pwm_DC is signal FREQ : integer; begin FREQ <= f; -- Processo principale MainProcess : process constant RDUTY : real:=real(DUTY)/100.0; constant TCLKH : time:=1 sec*((1.0/real(FREQ))*RDUTY); constant TCLKL : time:=1 sec*((1.0/real(FREQ))*(1.0-RDUTY)); begin if enable='1' then output<='1'; wait for TCLKH; output<='0'; wait for TCLKL; else wait until enable='1'; end if; end process MainProcess; end pwm_DC_arch;  


this is the error: 


# ** error: (vsim-3601) iteration limit reached at time 7 us. 


Can anyone help me?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You have two constants (tclkh and tclkl) that will depend on the value of a signal 'freq' which in turn depends on the value of another signal 'f'. 


Fix that up by changing those two constants to signals and give it another go...a calculated constant can't depend on a signal, since a signal is not 'constant' 


Kevin Jennings
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Honored Contributor II

Hi Kevin, 

thanks a lot for your help. 

I just don't know how to do this. 

I have to change the 2 constants 


constant FREQ  

constant DUTY 


into two input signals. 

By these 2 signals, I can calculate these 2 values 





which I use to generate the output signal, a square wave with a duty cycle that depends on my two input values. 

Can you help me? 


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Honored Contributor II

change TCLKH and TCLKL to signals or variables, and calculate their value at runtime, rather than at elaboration time. Currently, they use the initial value of FREQ, which will be -2^31.

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Honored Contributor II

Hi TRicky, 

thanks to your help I solved the problem. 

Here's the simple code: 

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity pwm_DC is port ( f : in real; d : in real; output : out STD_LOGIC ); end pwm_DC; architecture pwm_DC_arch of pwm_DC is begin -- Processo principale: generazione Duty Cycle MainProcess : process variable FREQ : real; variable DUTY : real; variable RDUTY : real; variable TCLKH : time; variable TCLKL : time; begin FREQ := f; DUTY := d; RDUTY := DUTY/100.0; TCLKH := 1 sec*((1.0/FREQ)*RDUTY); TCLKL := 1 sec*((1.0/FREQ)*(1.0-RDUTY)); output<='1'; wait for TCLKH; output<='0'; wait for TCLKL; end process MainProcess; end pwm_DC_arch;
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