Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20735 Discussions

can UART be control using VHDL coding

Honored Contributor II

can UART be assigned by using the VHDL coding. cause i am working on a stepper motor control n taught of using UART

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You can define a module in VHDL language that handles communication between devices through the UART port, if that was the question...

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Honored Contributor II

my exact problem is i need to communicate between the normal vhdl code, which i use to generate pulse n transfer the pulse into the uart port to run my stepper motor.

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Honored Contributor II

With VHDL, you can write any control code you like.

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Honored Contributor II

A transmit UART is really just a parallel to serial converter that adds the proper start and stop bits to the signal. If you want to know if you can write behavioral VHDL (not soft processor based code) that communicates with a serial device, then the answer is yes. 


Is your stepper motor something you command with serial commands? Can you control your stepper motor through hyperterminal or minicom? If so it is not very hard to transmit bytes using VHDL but you might have to convert between ASCII and binary.  


Receiving bytes is a little bit harder, you have to oversample the incoming data stream to detect and frame the bits but not too hard.
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Honored Contributor II

dear davidsmoot,  

the stepper motor driver that i use is the cytron SD20B. this stepper motor driver contains the UART input and output. But i am so blur cause i need to drive this motor but the problem with this project is i need to receive the angle as the feedback from the motor. And i am not sure how to do the ASCII and binary conversion also. Yet i am still trying to work on with it
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Honored Contributor II

entity uart is 

port ( 

reset :in std_logic; 

txclk :in std_logic; 

ld_tx_data :in std_logic; 

tx_data :in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); 

tx_enable :in std_logic; 

tx_out :out std_logic; 

tx_empty :out std_logic; 

rxclk :in std_logic; 

uld_rx_data :in std_logic; 

rx_data :out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); 

rx_enable :in std_logic; 

rx_in :in std_logic; 

rx_empty :out std_logic 


end entity; 

architecture rtl of uart is 

-- Internal Variables 

signal tx_reg :std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); 

signal tx_over_run :std_logic; 

signal tx_cnt :std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); 

signal rx_reg :std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); 

signal rx_sample_cnt :std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); 

signal rx_cnt :std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); 

signal rx_frame_err :std_logic; 

signal rx_over_run :std_logic; 

signal rx_d1 :std_logic; 

signal rx_d2 :std_logic; 

signal rx_busy :std_logic; 

signal rx_is_empty :std_logic; 

signal tx_is_empty :std_logic; 


-- UART RX Logic 

process (rxclk, reset) begin 

if (reset = '1') then 

rx_reg <= (others=>'0'); 

rx_data <= (others=>'0'); 

rx_sample_cnt <= (others=>'0'); 

rx_cnt <= (others=>'0'); 

rx_frame_err <= '0'; 

rx_over_run <= '0'; 

rx_is_empty <= '1'; 

rx_d1 <= '1'; 

rx_d2 <= '1'; 

rx_busy <= '0'; 

elsif (rising_edge(rxclk)) then 

-- Synchronize the asynch signal 

rx_d1 <= rx_in; 

rx_d2 <= rx_d1; 

-- Uload the rx data 

if (uld_rx_data = '1') then 

rx_data <= rx_reg; 

rx_is_empty <= '1'; 

end if; 

-- Receive data only when rx is enabled 

if (rx_enable = '1') then 

-- Check if just received start of frame 

if (rx_busy = '0' and rx_d2 = '0') then 

rx_busy <= '1'; 

rx_sample_cnt <= X"1"; 

rx_cnt <= X"0"; 

end if; 

-- Start of frame detected, Proceed with rest of data 

if (rx_busy = '1') then 

rx_sample_cnt <= rx_sample_cnt + 1; 

-- Logic to sample at middle of data 

if (rx_sample_cnt = 7) then 

if ((rx_d2 = '1') and (rx_cnt = 0)) then 

rx_busy <= '0'; 


rx_cnt <= rx_cnt + 1; 

-- Start storing the rx data 

if (rx_cnt > 0 and rx_cnt < 9) then 

rx_reg(conv_integer(rx_cnt) - 1) <= rx_d2; 

end if; 

if (rx_cnt = 9) then 

rx_busy <= '0'; 

-- Check if End of frame received correctly 

if (rx_d2 = '0') then 

rx_frame_err <= '1'; 


rx_is_empty <= '0'; 

rx_frame_err <= '0'; 

-- Check if last rx data was not unloaded, 

if (rx_is_empty = '1') then 

rx_over_run <= '0'; 


rx_over_run <= '1'; 

end if; 

end if; 

end if; 

end if; 

end if; 

end if; 

end if; 

if (rx_enable = '0') then 

rx_busy <= '0'; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 

rx_empty <= rx_is_empty; 


-- UART TX Logic 

process (txclk, reset) begin 

if (reset = '1') then 

tx_reg <= (others=>'0'); 

tx_is_empty <= '1'; 

tx_over_run <= '0'; 

tx_out <= '1'; 

tx_cnt <= (others=>'0'); 

elsif (rising_edge(txclk)) then 


if (ld_tx_data = '1') then 

if (tx_is_empty = '0') then 

tx_over_run <= '0'; 


tx_reg <= tx_data; 

tx_is_empty <= '0'; 

end if; 

end if; 

if (tx_enable = '1' and tx_is_empty = '0') then 

tx_cnt <= tx_cnt + 1; 

if (tx_cnt = 0) then 

tx_out <= '0'; 

end if; 

if (tx_cnt > 0 and tx_cnt < 9) then 

tx_out <= tx_reg(conv_integer(tx_cnt) -1); 

end if; 

if (tx_cnt = 9) then 

tx_out <= '1'; 

tx_cnt <= X"0"; 

tx_is_empty <= '1'; 

end if; 

end if; 

if (tx_enable = '0') then 

tx_cnt <= X"0"; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 

tx_empty <= tx_is_empty; 


end architecture;
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

i get this coding from internet... its states that it can be used to use for uart

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