Programmable Devices
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cyclone iii nios boot from epcs

Honored Contributor II

cyclone iii nios boot from epcs: 

i use nios_flash_programmer to burn fpga+nios to epcs64 ,but do not boot from epcs,i use memtes  

to Test EPCS Serial Flash  

first time : 


Memory Test Main Menu 


a: Test RAM 

b: Test Flash 

c: Test EPCS Serial Flash 

q: Exit 


Select Choice (a-c): [Followed by <enter>] 

Enter the name of the EPCS flash device to be opened, 

or just press <enter> to open "/dev/epcs_controller" 

> -ERROR: Could not open /d 


Press enter to continue... 

then stop run again : 


Memory Test Main Menu 


a: Test RAM 

b: Test Flash 

c: Test EPCS Serial Flash 

q: Exit 


Select Choice (a-c): [Followed by <enter>]c 

Enter the name of the EPCS flash device to be opened, 

or just press <enter> to open "/dev/epcs_controller" 

-Successfully opened /dev/epcs_controller 

-Region 0 contains 128 blocks. 

-Checking Region 0 for erased blocks. 

-Block 11, at address 0xB0000 identified. 

-Would you like to test this block? (y/n) 


My qustion is : 

1:my hardware is ok ? 

2:why do not boot from epcs? 

0 Kudos
16 Replies
Honored Contributor II

if you want that the fpga image is loaded from epcs after power on the you must set the msel pins according to the datasheet of your fpga. 


is your fpga image loaded from epcs but nios does not boot from epcs ? 

did you store your application after the fpga image inside epcs device ? 


converting the fpga image to be stored into epcs 

bash -c "sof2flash --verbose --compress --epcs --input=fpga.sof --output=fpga.flash" 


converting your application 

bash -c "elf2flash --verbose --epcs --after=fpga.flash --input=app.elf --output=app.flash" 


programming the fpga image 

nios2-flash-programmer.exe --cable='USB-Blaster' --epcs fpga.flash 


programming the application image 

nios2-flash-programmer.exe --cable='USB-Blaster' --epcs app.flash --go 


don't forgett to add the option --base=0x.... the startadr. of your epcs ip 

inside sopcs builder you need to set the cpu reset vector to the epcs ip modul 


if msel pins are set to boot from epcs then everything should work
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thank you MSchmitt. 

My fpga is ep3c25q240c8 My msel pins is 010 My epcs64 power is 3.3v 

fpga image is loaded from epcs after power on  

quartus 9.0 no sp 



This my Nios II IDE Flash Programmer 

# !/bin/sh# # This file was automatically generated by the Nios II IDE Flash Programmer.# # It will be overwritten when the flash programmer options change.#  

cd D:/FPGA/sopc_cy3/software/memtest_usb/Debug# Creating .flash file for the FPGA configuration 

"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/sof2flash" --epcs --input="D:/FPGA/sopc_cy3/chip_top.sof" - 


Info: ******************************************************************* 

Info: Running Quartus II Convert_programming_file 

Info: Command: quartus_cpf --no_banner --convert --device=EPCS128 --option=chip_ 

top.opt D:/FPGA/sopc_cy3/chip_top.sof chip_top.pof 

Info: Quartus II Convert_programming_file was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings 

Info: Peak virtual memory: 73 megabytes 

Info: Processing ended: Wed Sep 02 16:08:47 2009 

Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:04 

Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:04 

Info: ******************************************************************* 

Info: Running Quartus II Convert_programming_file 

Info: Command: quartus_cpf --no_banner --convert chip_top.pof chip_top.rpd 

Info: Quartus II Convert_programming_file was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings 

Info: Peak virtual memory: 70 megabytes 

Info: Processing ended: Wed Sep 02 16:08:51 2009 

Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:04 

Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:04# Programming flash with the FPGA configuration 

"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/nios2-flash-programmer" --epcs --base=0x0008a000 --sidp=0x0 

0088030 --id=6395680 --timestamp=1251442455 --instance=0 "chip_top.flash" 

Using cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]", device 1, instance 0x00 

Resetting and pausing target processor: OK 

Reading System ID at address 0x00088030: verified 

: Checksumming existing contents  

00000000 : Verifying existing contents  

00010000 : Verifying existing contents  

00020000 : Verifying existing contents  

00030000 : Verifying existing contents  

00000000 : Reading existing contents  

00010000 : Reading existing contents  

00020000 : Reading existing contents  

00030000 : Reading existing contents  

Checksummed/read 12kB in 0.2s  

00000000 ( 0%): Erasing  

00010000 (25%): Erasing  

00020000 (50%): Erasing  

00030000 (75%): Erasing  

Erased 256kB in 2.3s (111.3kB/s)  

00000000 ( 0%): Programming  

00010000 (25%): Programming  

00020000 (50%): Programming  

00030000 (75%): Programming  

Programmed 245KB +11KB in 5.6s (45.7KB/s)  

Did not attempt to verify device contents 

Leaving target processor paused# Creating .flash file for the project 

"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/elf2flash" --epcs --after="chip_top.flash" --input="memtest 

_usb.elf" --output="epcs_controller.flash"# Programming flash with the project 

"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/nios2-flash-programmer" --epcs --base=0x0008a000 --sidp=0x0 

0088030 --id=6395680 --timestamp=1251442455 --instance=0 "epcs_controller.flash" 

Using cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]", device 1, instance 0x00 

Resetting and pausing target processor: OK 

Reading System ID at address 0x00088030: verified 

: Checksumming existing contents  

00030000 : Verifying existing contents  

00040000 : Verifying existing contents  

00050000 : Verifying existing contents  

00030000 : Reading existing contents  

00040000 : Reading existing contents  

00050000 : Reading existing contents  

Checksummed/read 110kB in 2.6s  

00030000 ( 0%): Erasing  

00040000 (33%): Erasing  

00050000 (66%): Erasing  

Erased 192kB in 1.8s (106.6kB/s)  

00030000 ( 0%): Programming  

00040000 (33%): Programming  

00050000 (66%): Programming  

Programmed 83KB +109KB in 4.0s (48.0KB/s)  

Did not attempt to verify device contents 

Leaving target processor paused
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

okay thats it, you use quartus 9.0 without sp2 


can't tell you right out of my head what was the exact bug, but there is a bug with this quartus version and epcs stuff. 

somebody mentioned at niosforum that mysupport said that this bug won't be fixed in sp1 but should be in sp2 and as long as there is no fix, users should unpack some files from quartus 8.1 


unfortunately nobody said it is fixed in sp2, but i would install sp2 and give it a try. 

sorry i do not use quartus 9.0 due to this bug until somebody says it is solved. 

maybe you ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

solution id: rd06022009_270 

last modified: Jul 10, 2009 

product category: Embedded Processors 

product area: Hardware Development 

product sub-area: Flash Programming 


why does my cyclone iii nios ii system not boot up from an epcs device when i program the epcs with flash programmer ver.9.0? 



Nios® II embedded processor executable code is not correctly programmed on an EPCS device with version 9.0 and 9.0sp1 Nios II Flash Programmer tool chain. 

Version 9.0 and 9.0sp1 contain a bug in the tool chain. To solve this problem, contact Altera® technical support via mysupport ( to request the Nios II EDS 1.01 patch. 

This problem will be fixed by Nios II EDS version 9.0sp2 . 


but i use quartus 7.1 is same .
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

other possability : 


The workaround: 

replace 90\nios2eds\bin\sof2flash.jar with 81\nios2eds\bin\sof2flash.jar
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

this trick worked for me

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi,my friends,this problem is resolved,I use quartus 8.1 no problem but quartus 7.1 and quartus 9.0 sp2 have bug,Thank you.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Quartus II V9.0 SP2 and Cyclone III boots from EPCS. 


One of my projects uses an EP3C40 set to boot from EPCS works fine after upgrading Quartus from 8.1 to 9.0 SP2. The projects had been regenerated and full compiled with 9.0Sp2 

Quartus 8.1 is no longer installed so all tools run from 9.0sp2 and i see no issue with epcs boot.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

There is a bug the software template project "memory test" in nios 10.0. 


Some variables refer to epcs_controller but Sopc builder name its variable epcs_flash_controller. I change all wrong names in the project and it works. 


(verify in sytem.h, the name should be epcs_flash_controller).
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


don't forgett to add the option --base=0x.... the startadr. of your epcs ip 

inside sopcs builder you need to set the cpu reset vector to the epcs ip modul 


--- Quote End ---  



I'd like to give this a whirl.. basically boot the fpga and nios from epcs, and have the bootloader move everything to external sram.  


However, I'm not sure about the reset vector in the sopc. Im using quartus/nios version 8.1, and you can set the epcs as the device to use for the reset vector, but shouldn't the offset be specified as the address of the epcs just AFTER the fpga image is stored? Because the base address of the epcs (i.e. offset 0) will contain the fpga config, no? If I do need to use the nios app offset, where do I find that? 


Is there anything in the Nios Ide that needs to be specified, that after power on, or reset, the nios will jump (autoincrement) to the offset in the epcs memory to bootload, and copy the data to sram? 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You don't need to know the NIOS app's offset. 


If you've placed the NIOS app right after FPGA image, then the EPCS bootloader will detect the FPGA image, calculate the size of the image, skip it and start executing the NIOS application. 


That's why you have to set the reset vector to the offset 0x0000 of your EPCS Controller (that's where the bootloader is located). 


More details can be found from the following Altera documents: 

- Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide (the section "EPCS Serial Flash Controller Core") 

- Application note 458 "Alternative Nios II Boot Methods" 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Correct ! 


In fact the FPGA Image is read byte after another so inside the EPCS some kind of actual adresspoint is set and incremented, after the last FPGA image byte, this pointer points to the first byte of the application software and the boot loader can fetch again one byte after another continuing the data stream. 


So just ensure that your application is directly after the fpga image. 

This means whenever you change your application, you need to assemble to complete EPCS image again.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I have a little twist... 


Trying to program a .pof on the epcs directly, so in quartus I open the Convert Programming File window. select the fpga sof file, and then add (nios) Hex data immediately after (absolute addressing) 


However, the nios ide outputs an elf and strangely enough it also outputs a file called, "epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash". 


So to generate a hex file that could be used as an input to make an epcs pof file... 

if I do this: 

nios2-elf-objcopy --input-target srec --output-target ihex input.elf output.hex 


it produces a hex file that apparently exceeds the epcs capacity when added after the sof file. 


if I do this: 

nios2-elf-objcopy --input-target srec --output-target ihex epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash output.hex 


Quartus complains that data in hex file overlaps between data blocks at address 1 and address 0. 


However, if I do this: 

1) sof2flash --verbose --compress --epcs --input=input.sof --output fpga.flash 

2) elf2flash --verbose --epcs --after=fpga.flash --input=input.elf --output=app.flash 

3) nios2-elf-objcopy --input-target srec --output-target ihex app.flash output.hex 


Then it fits and I can program it, but at power-on, the nios does not appear to be running (no blinking led). Interestingly, the nCS on the epcs is continuously toggling. I would expect it to be active only during config/boot and then to stay high. 


So long story short, how do you create a epcs .pof file that has the fpga image and nios code??
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Happy420, 


In SOPC builder (or Qsys), you have added a "epcs_flash_controller" module. This module has a ROM memory in which the "epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash" is stored. This memory contains some code given by altera to load your nios program from the epcs to the processor RAM memory. You don't need to change anything on it. Just tell your processor to start from this memory with the processor's reset_vector set on the epcs_flash_controller. 


To store your program in the epcs, you could try this method I use : 


For your problem with the nCS pin continuously toggling, It could be that you only have write the nios program in the epcs, but not the VHDL. 

The second ligne creates a flash file with the elf file at an offset the size of the vhdl.flash file. So in your hex file, you have only the nios code beginning at a non zero address. 

You could check if CONF_DONE pin rise or not. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thanks, I think it's closer! The fpga logic is definitely being booted correctly from the epcs ( have it toggling an i/o), but the nios code doesn't execute at all ( a different i/o). 


The reset vector in the sopc is pointing to the epcs controller peripheral (no offset), and the Nios IDE is setup to have everything run in external sram. If I power-on and allow the epcs to boot the fpga logic, and then I just download the nios code using the ide afterwards, then the nios program also works fine. So it seems it's only the nios portion (either flashed in the epcs or with the bootloader) that has the problem. 


As a test for now, I am flashing both the fpga logic and the nios via the Nios IDE. The tool doesn't have any option to specifically specify the use of "epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash"... so I simply check the box to flash the software project and the FPGA configuration data (pointing to the sof file). During programming I see perform 2 flashes (each with checksum/verify/erase/programming): 


"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/nios2-flash-programmer" --epcs --base=0x04121800 --cable='U 

SB-Blaster [USB-0]' --sidp=0x041220b8 --id=519100584 --timestamp=1322097713 "FpgaLogic.flash" 




# Programming flash with the project 

"$SOPC_KIT_NIOS2/bin/nios2-flash-programmer" --epcs --base=0x04121800 --cable='U 

SB-Blaster [USB-0]' --sidp=0x041220b8 --id=519100584 --timestamp=1322097713 "ep 




I get no errors when flashing, yet only the fpga logic works on power-on. What can I check for?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Happy420, 


Could you tell us how is the epcs_controller.flash created ? Actually you don't have to do anything with the epcs_controller_boot_rom.flash, it's already included in the VHDL. 


I just want to exclude any confusing between your code which you have to write in the epcs and the small rom bootloader. 


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