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gating the output of a clocked register onto pins

Honored Contributor II

I have a simple process in a max 2 that writes and is supposed to read a register array and put the data onto device pins- the same pins I use to write data to the register. 


It is really simple: 


register_process: process(localclk, reset_pulse, reset_flash, Dcsn) 


if localclk'event and localclk = '1' then 

if Dwrn = '0' and Dcsn = '0' and Drdn = '1' then 

case Daddr(3 downto 0) is 

when "0000" => reg0 <= Data(2 downto 0); 

when "0010" => reg2(7 downto 0) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "0011" => reg2(15 downto 8) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "0100" => reg2(23 downto 16) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "0101" => reg3 <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "0110" => reg4 <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "0111" => reg5(7 downto 0) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "1000" => reg5(15 downto 8) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "1001" => reg5(23 downto 16) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

flash_load <= '1'; 

when "1010" => reg6(7 downto 0) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "1011" => reg6(15 downto 8) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

when "1100" => reg6(23 downto 16) <= Data(7 downto 0); 

pulse_flag <= '1'; 

when others => null; 

end case; 

elsif Drdn = '0' and Dcsn = '0' and Dwrn = '1' then 

case Daddr(3 downto 0) is 

when "0000" => Data(2 downto 0) <= reg0; 

when "0001" => Data(7 downto 0) <= quad_count; 

quad_reset <= '1'; 

when "0010" => Data <= reg2(7 downto 0); 

when "0011" => Data <= reg2(15 downto 8); 

when "0100" => Data <= reg2(23 downto 16); 

when "1101" => Data <= keys(7 downto 0); 

when "1110" => Data(2 downto 0) <= keys(10 downto 8); 

when others => null; 

end case; 

elsif reset_pulse = '1' then 

reg6 <= "000000000000000000000000";  

elsif reset_flash = '1' then 

flash_load <= '0'; 


Data <= "ZZZZZZZZ"; 

quad_reset <= '0'; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process register_process; 


The problem is that data is correctly written and I can see it on the Q pins of the ffs but I can't seem to get it back on the device pins. 


I know I am forgetting something and I hope someone will just put me out of my misery and tell me what it is. 


Thank you,
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

You can use an interim signal set and then gate that set onto the pins external to the process: 


Register_Process: Process(Localclk, Reset_Pulse, Reset_Flash, Dcsn) 


If Localclk'Event And Localclk = '1' Then 

If Dwrn = '0' And Dcsn = '0' And Drdn = '1' Then 

Case Daddr(3 Downto 0) Is 

When "0000" => Reg0 <= Data(2 Downto 0); 

When "0010" => Reg2(7 Downto 0) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "0011" => Reg2(15 Downto 8) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "0100" => Reg2(23 Downto 16) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "0101" => Reg3 <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "0110" => Reg4 <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "0111" => Reg5(7 Downto 0) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "1000" => Reg5(15 Downto 8) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "1001" => Reg5(23 Downto 16) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

Flash_Load <= '1'; 

When "1010" => Reg6(7 Downto 0) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "1011" => Reg6(15 Downto 8) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

When "1100" => Reg6(23 Downto 16) <= Data(7 Downto 0); 

Pulse_Flag <= '1'; 

When Others => Null; 

End Case; 

Elsif Drdn = '0' And Dcsn = '0' And Dwrn = '1' Then 

Case Daddr(3 Downto 0) Is 

When "0000" => Outputsig(2 Downto 0) <= Reg0; 

When "0001" => Outputsig(7 Downto 0) <= Quad_Count; 

Quad_Reset <= '1'; 

When "0010" => Outputsig <= Reg2(7 Downto 0); 

When "0011" => Outputsig <= Reg2(15 Downto 8); 

When "0100" => Outputsig <= Reg2(23 Downto 16); 

When "1101" => Outputsig <= Keys(7 Downto 0); 

When "1110" => Outputsig(2 Downto 0) <= Keys(10 Downto 8); 

When Others => Outputsig <= "Xxxxxxxx"; 

End Case; 

Elsif Reset_Pulse = '1' Then 

Reg6 <= "000000000000000000000000";  

Elsif Reset_Flash = '1' Then 

Flash_Load <= '0'; 


Data <= "Zzzzzzzz"; 

Quad_Reset <= '0'; 

End If; 

End If; 

End Process Register_Process; 


Outen <= Not Drdn And Not Dcsn And Dwrn; 


Data <= Outputsig When Outen = '1' Else "Zzzzzzzz";
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