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pci_mt32 doesn't behave as specified in User Guide

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I have been checking out this forum for a while, but this is my first post. I have a small problem with the Altera pci_mt32 module which I don't know how to resolve. 


Background: I am using a StratixII GX device and have instantiated the pci_mt32 component using the Quartus Mega Wizard tool. I am currently testing the pci_mt32 module using ModelSim. The pci_mt32 is connected on one side to my local design, while on the other to the testbench generated by the Quartus tool. 


Problem: Using ModelSim I can see that the device does not behave as it should. Namely, while doing a single memory write the pci_mt32 module doesn't assert the lt_ackn and lt_dxfrn signals. Furthermore when I do a burst write, the lt_ackn and lt_dxfrn signals are not asserted for the first data sample, but they are asserted for the rest of the burst. 


Obviously this is a problem as I can't write a single value via the pci_mt32, and also when doing a burst I can not write the first value in the burst. 


Has anyone encountered this problem before? 


Thanks in advance.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi all, 


I have been checking out this forum for a while, but this is my first post. I have a small problem with the Altera pci_mt32 module which I don't know how to resolve. 


Background: I am using a StratixII GX device and have instantiated the pci_mt32 component using the Quartus Mega Wizard tool. I am currently testing the pci_mt32 module using ModelSim. The pci_mt32 is connected on one side to my local design, while on the other to the testbench generated by the Quartus tool. 


Problem: Using ModelSim I can see that the device does not behave as it should. Namely, while doing a single memory write the pci_mt32 module doesn't assert the lt_ackn and lt_dxfrn signals. Furthermore when I do a burst write, the lt_ackn and lt_dxfrn signals are not asserted for the first data sample, but they are asserted for the rest of the burst. 


Obviously this is a problem as I can't write a single value via the pci_mt32, and also when doing a burst I can not write the first value in the burst. 


Has anyone encountered this problem before? 


Thanks in advance. 

--- Quote End ---  




I have exactly the same problem. Did you manage to find a solution? 



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Honored Contributor II

Found the problem. The pci_mt32 core was being clocked by a PLL and not directly from the pci clock pin.

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