Programmable Devices
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programming cyclone devices from arm processor:has anyone seen jamplayer source code?

Honored Contributor II

Good day. 



I am have an embedded system consisting from ARM processor and CYCLONE device. I am aimed at creating a remote firmware upgrade system. 


As far as i have understand, there are 2 aspects of remote programming: fpga programming and configuration device programming. In order to reduce physical footprint of configuration system, i would like to use jtag chain for both: direct fpga programming and indirect configuration device programming via altera IP core. 


So i need a code on the arm side, that would "play" programming file via jtag chain. While searching for information on the subject, I came across the jam player, which looks like a solution for my problem. Unfortunately, references to jam player are rather old and links to jam player source code on altera site are outdated (404). 


I would like to ask if the source code for jam player is still available.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


the following web page can be useful for you: 


as well as the document about porting Jam STAPL player: 

AN 586: Porting the Jam STAPL and Jam STAPL Byte-Code Players to an Embedded System 


or one can try to put the words JAM and STAPL into Altera web search. 


Best regards, 

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