Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2150 Discussions

ST2000DM001 keeps reporting as failed after some reboots - no loss of data


I have a hybrid drive ST2000DM001-1CH164.  The SATA_ARRAY_001 RAID 0 DEV_Cache is always fine, but the SATA disk on controller 0 port 0 (system) keeps reporting as failed.  Since it is my only drive, and the computer still boots, and I can "mark as normal" it seems to work fine.


I cannot find anything to give me a hint at what is "failed" and what needs to be fixed.  The Intel Rapid Storage Technology tool is what is reporting this and lets me return it to "normal"


Any suggestions?

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8 Replies
Super User

I would suggest you contact Seagate. I have a feeling that they will simply tell you to reinitialize the drive, but you never know. You may want to run the Seatools and see if update microcontroller firmware is available for it.

Hope this helps,


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SeaTools reports nothing wrong despite the Intel Rapid Storage Technology GUI reporting failed on port 0... but lets me mark as normal...

It can't be failed, I only have one drive with the OS on it.

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Super User
It may not have failed, but it could be failing. I suggest you purchase a replacement drive and transfer the contents of the failing drive to the new drive before the failing drive fails completely. If this failing drive it still under warranty, I suggest you contact Seagate support before purchasing the replacement.
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Interesting, I ran seatools for Windows which was fine until I saw the next notice from IAStorUI (Rapid Storage Technology page) that the drive had "failed, but the SATA Raid array 0001 was fine, I ran Seatools again which passed the smart checks, the short generic test, but the long generic test seems to fail at different spots, one time 17%, another time 45 %, but gives no indication of what the failure was... read timeout, readback error? too many retries?   

After thinking about it, I am wondering if it fails when the power saver kicks in possibly showing that it is only the way it handles power management, not an actual problem.


Could that be possible?

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p.s. out of warranty and past support date if you are wondering...

This problem has been going on since I got the computer.  I've never had a file corruption issue, and I can't imagine I received it about to fail when it is still working after a few years.



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Super User

Let's go back to the beginning. Please describe your system. That is, what drives present and how/where connected. Why I ask is that the ST2000DM001-1CH164 is NOT a hybrid drive; it has no internal SSD for caching/acceleration. Are you saying that you are using a separate SSD (and a very old version of Intel RST) for caching/acceleration (i.e. using Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT))?


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Ahhh, good catch, I didn't realize it until you said it and looked it up...

Here is my system

Dell XPS 8700 with ST2000DM001-1CH164

Dell part

Y4N52 HD,2TB,S3,7.2K,512E,SGT-GRDABP

and a SSD Liteonit LMS-32L6M mSATA 32GB SATA_ARRAY_0001 Dev_Cache Raid 0 30GB cache volume


Which are managed by Intel Rapid Storage Tech software

The SSD has never shown an error, but the Hard drive continues to report as failed.


I don't see any reference to Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT), but you are probably right about the old version of RST (2014 originally on Win8)





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Super User

Intel SRT is a technology that is built into intel RST, so you don't see it mentioned separately all that much. Suffice it to say, it is how Intel RST can support the use of all or part of a SSD to accelerate the performance of a HDD. Intel SRT is, BTW, the feature that Intel removed when they added support for Optane Caching.

So, an important question is whether you are seeing an issue with the drive connection (the SATA cable, its connection, etc.) that can be addressed by replacing the SATA cable. The other (or at least another) possibility is that the HDD is really reporting a problem - via S.M.A.R.T., for example.

Hope this helps (gives you somethings to look at if nothing else),


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