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5008 Discussions

RES2SV240 24-pin LED connectors

I'm looking at getting one of these expanders. They have two blocks of 2x12 pins, which are supposed to drive LEDs to show which drives are connected and/or in an error state.

I have some assumptions about how that signaling works (I assume that each drive's indication takes two pins, and green is indicated with one of those pins at ground and the other at some positive voltage, while red is indicated by swapping the voltages so current flows the opposite direction). But I want to know if that's right before I design the LED setup for this system.

I'm also wondering what voltage is driven onto these pins, if my assumption is right. (What's the positive voltage used?)

I don't see this information in the hardware guide, only a sentence mentioning that these two blocks of pins can drive LEDs.

Thanks for any help!
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3 Replies

Hello BryanKadzban,


Thank you for contacting Intel.


Hope you are doing well. Since your query is related to design, we suggest you please post your query to the design team,


Please do not hesitate in contact us, we are more than glad to assist you.


Best Regards,


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Thank you for your time spent replying! I'm not so sure that the FPGA forum is right, though.

My question is related to design after a fashion, yes, but the actual question is about an already fully designed and manufactured product that Intel sells (or, used to sell, anyway), and I need to know its characteristics. I'm asking about design decisions that have already been made.

And since I am not building anything with an FPGA device, I'm not sure that the FPGA group is going to be able to help either. (Indeed, the first person to respond over there thinks that it's the wrong location as well.)

Is anyone reading this thread who's familiar with the schematic of this existing device (again, that's the RES2SV240 SAS expander), or could look it up, to find what signaling is used on the LED pins? Or is anyone able to add that information to the existing hardware user guide document for this device (

Thank you very much,

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Hello BryanKadzban,


Thank you for contacting Intel.


Thank you for your response. I hope they will assist you. Please reach out to them as your query is related to design.


Please do not hesitate in contact us, we are more than glad to assist you.


Best Regards,


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