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Does not POST with AngularJS



Firstly, I do not understand. Why Intel XDK does not use/support AJAX like starter ?

Intel XDK has a lot of mistakes. One of them and I did not like it. If you want use AJAX, you going to add xhr.js: I think unnecessary. So Event if you want add me that is showing the error on console. If it has explain, I want hear it.

I am working over Ubuntu OS and I am use AngularJS with Ionic 1.x frameworks. I love AngularJS, If we do not solve my mistakes, willingly I will use jQuery.

I want to start my first mistake but I solved it (but not exactly). Does not work $stateProvider.state in controller attribute so it is not add auto controller. I was add controller with manually. Of course these just for Intel XDK. This situation work on browser. (I am using Firefox).

Second is, I could not ajax post with $http to my -xampp- localhost and my global host. That is console.log following with xhr.js not found error.

I want to add, I wish update Intel XDK, but If I update it does not open after the update. So I am using Intel XDK version is : 3491.

Thank you for interest.
Best regards.

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3 Replies

xhr.js is an unused file, it no longer has any function in an XDK Cordova app. It was used for some very early versions of the XDK build system that did not use a standard Cordova webview.

If you are having troubles making Angular work within your app I recommend you search the web, especially Stack Overflow for "Cordova Angular your issue keywords" to find help. The Intel XDK creates a standard Cordova app, thus any solutions you find on SO (or other forums) will work for you in an XDK app.

We do not have the resources necessary to teach how to write code in a Cordova environment, this forum can provide you with help regarding issues specific to the XDK and the XDK build system.

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Hmm, OK

Then I ask you. Why do not working Cordova Android/iOS Whitelist ?

Can I ajdustable manually ? So Without Intel XDK.


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The XDK includes a UI to allow you to adjust the whitelist, in the Build Settings section of the Projects tab. If you choose to convert your app to a Cordova CLI app, you adjust those settings in the config.xml file. For XDK whitelist docs, see >

Not sure if that answers your question.

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