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Error compiling for Windows10


I am trying to compile for Windows in the new version of IntelXDK, but I am encountering the following error:

Package.windows10.appxmanifest (13,6): erro APPX1606: Todos os idiomas especificados no atributo Language do elemento Resource no manifesto da aplicação devem ser suportados pela Loja do Windows. O valor do elemento Resource é composto pelo valor do campo Default Language no App Manifest Designer e gerou a lista de linguagens com base em recursos localizados no projeto. A lista de idiomas do aplicativo de armazenamento do Windows está disponível em [... \ upar \ plataformas \ janelas \ CordovaApp.Windows10.jsproj]
Done Building Project "... \ upar \ plataformas \ janelas \ CordovaApp.Windows10.jsproj" (destinos padrão) - FAILED.

Falha na compilação.

Tempo decorrido 00: 02: 16.54
Erro: Erro: ... \ MSBuild \ 14.0 \ bin \ msbuild.exe: Falha de comando com código de saída 1
ERRO: em ChildProcess.whenDone (... \ upar \ plataformas \ windows \ cordova \ node_modules \ cordova-common \ src \ superspawn.js: 139: 23)
ERROR: at emitTwo (events.js: 87: 13)
ERRO: em ChildProcess.emit (events.js: 172: 7)
ERRO: em maybeClose (interno / child_process.js: 818: 16)
ERROR: em Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal / child_process.js: 211: 5)

translates to:

Package.windows10.appxmanifest (13,6): APPX1606 error: All languages ​​specified in the Language attribute of the Resource element in the application manifest must be supported by the Windows Store. The Resource element value is composed of the Default Language field value in App Manifest Designer and generated the list of languages ​​based on resources located in the project. The list of languages ​​for the Windows Storage application is available at [... \ upar \ platforms \ windows \ CordovaApp.Windows10.jsproj]
Done Building Project "... \ upar \ platforms \ windows \ CordovaApp.Windows10.jsproj" (default destinations) - FAILED.

Compile failed.

Time elapsed 00: 02: 16.54
BUG: Error: ... \ MSBuild \ 14.0 \ bin \ msbuild.exe: Command Fault with Output Code 1
ERROR: in ChildProcess.whenDone (... \ upar \ platforms \ windows \ cordova \ node_modules \ cordova-common \ src \ superspawn.js: 139:23)
ERROR: at emitTwo (events.js: 87: 13)
ERROR: in ChildProcess.emit (events.js: 172: 7)
ERROR: in maybeClose (internal / child_process.js: 818: 16)
BUG: in Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal / child_process.js: 211: 5)


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3 Replies

Is your app language Portuguese? Can you send me your app id in a private message so we can check the build logs?

0 Kudos

Have you added a plugin or used some other mechanism to add support for Portuguese? Please go into detail what you've done so we can provide better support.

0 Kudos

Hi Marcos, we're trying to find out what's causing the problem. Looking at the logs it looks like you had a successful build on Feb 20th, so something must have changed. Can you export your project and send us so we can try to reproduce it? You can send it via a private message directly to Jerroyd (see message above).

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