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GMA X3100 and Quake Wars

hi guys,

i just downloaded the new Intel 965 driver for the GMA X3100... i think it's the 14.361 version.. i can get ET: Quake Wars to run Pretty OK on a decent resolution 1600x900 [crazy rite? looks pretty neat too], BUT when there is a lot of action, the game hangs and i get some igfx display driver error... and i'm forced to restart my laptop.... I've also tried running it on 640 resolution with the settgins on low, but the game hangs again whenever there is too many things going on [especially when i play online] ... is there a better version of driver that supports Quake Wars the best?

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1 Reply
u know what, i've given up on Quake Wars...

Halo: combat evolved, Counterstrike and most of the Steam powered games run pretty well though ( at 800 res medium settings, ave 42 fps online)

new rule of thumb is if the game specs ask for directx .. the gma x3100 can "probably" run it well.

if the game specs ask for a nvidia or ati equivalent. don't bother.
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