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HAXM always crashed after run Maps.apk


My HAXM (process emulator-x86.exe) always crashed after run Maps.apk in AVD from Google APIs (x86 System Image) version 19 revision 4, Google ADT version 22.6.2, HAXM version 1.0.7 on Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64

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5 Replies
Valued Contributor I

Can you provide more details?

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There was a known issue with rev. 2 of the x86 System Image with Google APIs (4.4.2, API 19) related to OpenGL that was causing issues with Maps.apk (black screens and crashes). The HAXM team had submitted a fix to be upstreamed to Google, and I was waiting for word about when it would be released. (see the comments on this post for more:

I wasn't aware that rev. 4 of the image had been released until I noticed you mention it here, so I went and grabbed it to see if the Maps issue had been fixed. However, when I start a virtual device with that image (rev. 4), it doesn't have Maps.apk. I'm not sure if Google temporarily removed Maps until the OpenGL issue can be fixed or not. How did you get Maps.apk on your virtual device running rev. 4 of the x86 4.4.2 API 19 system image with Google APIs?

If you manually copied/installed it, it could be that the OpenGL issue hasn't been fixed yet in rev. 4. If that's the case, we'll have to wait for the fixed version to be released by Google through the Android SDK Manager. 

Let me know where you got Maps.apk, or any other information you have, and I'll see what I can do to help you. However, the answer might be "wait until the fixed version of the image is released".

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I download Google APIs 19 rev.4 with official SDK manager, after download I create clean AVD. Maps.apk is preinstalled in this official image. HAXM always crashed after run Maps.apk.

In attachment is build.prop and manifest.ini of this image (Google APIs 19 rev.4 x86).

This is Windows log of this error from Windows EventViewer

Faulting application name: emulator-x86.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x532c9ea5
Faulting module name: libGLES_V2_translator.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x532c9de7
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000484c
Faulting process id: 0x8f0
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf4ca6e61cce01
Faulting application path: d:\adt\sdk\tools\emulator-x86.exe
Faulting module path: d:\adt\sdk\tools\lib\libGLES_V2_translator.DLL
Report Id: 400b3dd6-b89a-11e3-8106-e840f2969472
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

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Hi John-

I've asked the HAXM team to look into this a little deeper, and provided them with a link to this thread so they can see your error reports.

I still have one question (and maybe I'm just missing something) - I can't find Maps.apk in the emulator image (x86 API 19 rev 4 with Google APIs) on my system (see screenshot attached). Would you be willing to provide a screenshot of your Applications screen in the emulator image, so I can compare it to mine? Something's different about our environments, and because of that, I'm unable to reproduce your issue. Thanks!

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Sorry. Please close this thread. My message is mistake. I remove my SDK, redownload SDK and create clean AVD, and AVD not contains Maps.apk. My old AVD contains manual installed Maps.apk extracted from ARM image 4.4.2

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