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Launch of the open-source High Fidelity VR world tech

Honored Contributor III

Hi everyone,

High Fidelity, the virtual reality tech company created by Second Life founder Phillip Rosedale, has gone public with the viewer client and server software for its open source VR world tech.

Their tech was built specifically to make maximum use of VR headsets, cameras and motion sensors.  Also, the graphics tech is built around voxels like those used in Minecraft.  This has the advantages of a long draw distance, very high number of simultaneous users and low computer processing demands.

Edit: I guessed that folk would inevitably ask whether it was PC only.  The documentation section of the site says that the source code for High Fidelity can be compiled on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.  There is also early support for Android and some information on compiling for CentOS.

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