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Suporte a Ionic 2


Olá amigos!

Tenho um canal no youtube chamado Full Stacker Developer onde eu ensino a usar Intel XDK na criação de aplicações. Muitos de meus inscritos me perguntam se será possível gerar uma app para produção com a versão 2 do ionic. Fiz alguns testes e acabei percebendo que não conseguiria mais usar o Ionic serve na app após importá-lo para o xdk. Sei que não terá suporte nem para a v1 do ionic no Modo App Design.

As pergunta são: Será possível fazer build, deploy e tudo mais com ionic 2? Vocês pretendem adicionar plugins para que o ionic 2 seja interpretado pelo editor? E como vcs vêem Ionic 2 para o Intel XDK?

Muitos dos inscrito amam a forma fácil de criar keystore, enviar para loja, configuração do projeto e etc! Gostaria de uma resposta para publicar em meu canal! Obrigado!

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3 Replies

Sergio C. wrote:

Hello friends!

I have a channel on youtube called Full Stacker Developer where I teach to use Intel XDK in creating applications. Many of my subscribers ask me if it will be possible to generate an app for production with version 2 of the ionic. I made some tests and I realized that I could not use Ionic anymore in the app after importing it to xdk. I know I will not have support for ionic v1 in App Design Mode.

The question is: Is it possible to do build, deploy and everything else with ionic 2? Do you intend to add plugins so that ionic 2 is interpreted by the publisher? And how do you see Ionic 2 for Intel XDK?

Many of the subscribers love the easy way to create keystore, send to store, design setup and etc! I would like an answer to post on my channel! Thank you!

As you already know, all UI widget libraries, except Twitter Bootstrap, have been deprecated in App Designer, meaning support for them has been discontinued and will eventually be retired. It has always been possible to use other UI frameworks, like Ionic 2, if you do so manually (or build your HTML5 using some other tool and then import it into your XDK/Cordova app); however, there are no specific plans to support Ionic 2 (or any other UI frameworks) directly within App Designer, only Twitter Bootstrap.

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Bom dia amigo. Eu sou um dos inscritos no seu canal e descobri o ionic (um pouco tarde) atraves do canal Intel XDK PLUS.

Percebi que na hora de criar o projeto temos suprote somente para Twitter Bootstrap, porem se criar a template  atravez do ionic e importar para a ferramenta, o intel xdk pergunta se deseja substituir os plugins para os compativeis ou utilizar os originais do projeto, deixei marcado a oção para usar os meus arquivos originais e aparentemente funcionou porem ainda nao tentei compilar o aplicativo, será que ele permitirá?

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Filipe M. wrote:

Good morning, my friend. I'm one of the subscribers to your channel and I discovered ionic (a bit late) through the Intel XDK PLUS channel.

I realized that at the time of creating the project we have suprote only to Twitter Bootstrap, but if I create the template through the ionic and import to the tool, intel xdk asks if you want to replace the plugins for the compatible ones or use the originals of the project, I left it checked I have the option to use my original files and apparently it worked, but I have not yet tried to compile the application, will it allow?

You can build the application, but no guarantees that it will work. The build tool does not care how you actually created the app. Note, however, that our build system will be retired at the end of June, so I advise you also try using PhoneGap Build or Cordova CLI, per these instructions > <

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